Limit those being polled to PRACTICING Catholics (and exclude Catholics-in-name-only who may darken the door of a church on Easter and Christmas and/or don’t know the Scriptures and the CCC from the phone book) and I suspect you’d get a radically different result.
No, don't do that. There are some people who only get rides on those major holidays and some who are on the way "back in". You have to know more about their circumstances and intent to know if they are "CINO".
I know practicing Catholics who go to church every chance they get, certainly more than once a week, who still vote Dem because the "democrats are for the poor", and "I'm as prop-life as anybody but the government doesn't have the right to tell people what to do with their bodies." and "I like obamacare".
Anecdotal evidence is not set in stone, but in real life, I've only met a handful of practicing Catholics who are conservative. My personal encounters verify those stats.