If you believe that Nero was the anti-Christ, and among other things, that most of the end-time scriptures have been fulfilled, you must then believe we are living in the 1000 year reign.
It is just that i can not fathom the idea that since John said these things will shortly come to pass that after 2 thousand tears nothing has come to pass yet.
John was told in rev 1:19
Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter,
The ten kings who had received no kingdom as yet is a sure sign that there is still more to come but that does not mean that much has not already happened.
John wrote it all down, but i do not think there is any way for us to determine if even John understood it all.
John was writing from the view of God, not of man. (Prophetically).
One day (with the Lord) is as a thousand years. Shortly could be 2, or 3 thousand years.
Looking at the scriptural references as a whole, the prophecy that Israel must be regathered only occurred recently (in our generation).
No man shall know the time, but we WILL (if we are listening to God), know the “season”.
THe 1,000 year reign WILL be a reign of Christ’s rule on earth. So nations will not be ruled by despots, tryrants, dictators, or religious posers such as we have now.