But what about all those discussions by Paul of how Christians should be of one mind and expel from their midst those advocating false doctrines?
If Christians are to implement these scriptural instructions, they can’t be believing a whole bunch of different things.
All denominations can be wrong, but they most certainly can’t all be right.
The subject here is whether being in the wrong church or denomination will exclude you from heaven. This presupposes that it is the Believers 'choice' that matters.
As is typical of this thinking, man's 'choice' is revered and what God has done and is doing, is suppressed.
False Doctrines and the 'wolves in sheep's clothing' must be expelled. There is real Faith and good doctrine and there is the fake and the false.
Of 'One mind' must be the essentials In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.
It is a good saying.
“But what about all those discussions by Paul of how Christians should be of one mind and expel from their midst those advocating false doctrines?”
“If Christians are to implement these scriptural instructions, they cant be believing a whole bunch of different things.”
As the history of Christianity has shown, it can SOMETIMES be a fine line between what one claims as “false” doctrine and honest but theologically different viewpoints.
Where a denomination is discernible from another simply by the organization of the church’s administration and management, while adhering to orthodox basic tenets/doctrines of Christianity, IMHO, there isn’t anything inconsistent with Scriptural definitions of the Body of Christ denying that membership.