My possessing knowledge does not in any way require me to Prove it to you or any other. AND, whether or not I can Prove that knowledge does not impact whether or not I should share it as Truth.
The way that you dodge questions that would require something of You to be revealed is pretty good, almost as good as Holder in F&F.
You claim that you ‘want to know others beliefs’ yet, when asked to reciprocate, you dodge. Why? It is that dodging that implies ‘mocking’. There is no sharing of view[points, only more questions form you and vague answers that amount to fluff.
Well I may not KNOW what exactly your thoughts might be, but Jesus gave us a pretty good eye witness account of a man in hell begging to have an angel go tell his relatives to get right with God, and begging for water, able to see and never get to, paradise. You may even recall all these exchanges and wish you had listened.
IF you have not received the Savior.
Of course you’re not required to prove it to anyone, it’s your belief.
What specifically, would you like me to answer?