Some logic.
If a theological issue is not clearly taught from scripture, it should NOT be taught by man.
We should speak confidently when scripture speaks, and go no farther than scripture does.
You can err on either side (a half truth, or a addition). So one MUST take the WHOLE counsel of scripture. You cannot just ignore verses. If you can’t make then reconcile each other then the fault is NOT with scripture, it’s with the construct you are trying to apply. This is why Calvinism is wrong. It does NOT reconcile scripture, it picks/chooses a set.
Half a truth is a whole lie. God does NOT have pleasure in the death of the wicked. He has NOT determined someone to hell. He is blameless. So how do we reconcile the scriptures? State them and QUIT trying to make some “points” to construct on top of them.
What became evident to me when I was a Protestant is what is or is not Biblical is in the eye of the beholder.
Each Protestant sect claims that the Bible alone is its authority.
The Lutheran Augsburg Confession says one thing about grace and baptism, while the Calvinist Belgic, Helvetic, and Westminster Confessions contradict it.
And then you have the confessions of faith such those composed by Baptist theologians that contradict both Lutheran and Calvinist propositions.
I posit this is why Protestantism has been completely ineffective in combating secularism. Protestants can’t even agree among themselves what is and what is not Biblical.
Formerly Protestant countries in Europe have far higher percentages of atheism than those that are either Catholic or Orthodox.
Only the Eastern Orthodox lands really have staved off aggressive secularism.
America’s Protestant fundamentalism stands as an anomaly.