well, you have put your finger on why you and i will never come to agreement. the question every person must deal with is “Who is Jesus Christ”? if the answer is anything less than the Son of God who became man to live a sinless life and willingly give up His life on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world and rise from the dead, ascend into heaven where He reigns over His Kingdom, than you will die in your sins. if you reject the New Testament, you reject Jesus.
The reason this question has such renewed interest is because of the Land of Israel. Does it belong to B’nei Ysirael (Children of Israel - Jew has no official meaning, it’s merely a nickname), or does it belong to Christians? And if it belongs to Christians, which ones?
Yes..I do reject the NT. Just the fact that there is a NT means he was not the messiah. It wont take a NT to convince people when messiah comes. It will be perfectly clear, from the least to the greatest, no ambiguity and it will take NO faith.