“Cain is learning how to be a politician. Perry backed off, Cain apologized.”
And it was smart of Cain to back off. I look for what candidates do BEFORE they’re under the microscope of running for the political office. There one can see the instincts...Cain was anti-Muslim, Perry was pro-Muslim. What they do after that is what’s needed to try to win office.
So I have my answer...
I like Cain and have not decided who I will be voting on. At this moment I prefer Perry. What you said about Cain not liking muslims before he was running but now likes them is good instincts?
When interviewed On “The Glenn Beck Program” radio show May 24, Cain said;
“I did not say that I would not have them in my Cabinet. Because if you look at my career, I have hired good people regardless of race, religion, sex, gender or orientation and this sort of thing,” Cain told Beck.
Sounds like he had relations with muslims before running too.