Romney’s problem is not religion.
It is that he is NOT a conservative and that he is basically a Washington insider type. We ain’t voting for that.....
Really? Did you read the article? Do you ignore the polling data?
From a socio-political perspective, when only...
...1.5 of 5 voters will seriously consider you as a candidate
-- and that only 2 in 5 right now even know that you're a Mormon...
...and the other 3 in 5 will find out in a 2012 MSM blitz...
...then may I respectfully ask you "his religion is not a problem" posters to begin removing your blinders?
Just because it's not a problem for you doesn't mean you represent the "out-there" undecided voter.
Candidate viability must be raised as an issue or the RINOs will permanently ruin the GOP!