I am unaware where Glen Beck has declared himself Prophet, Teacher, or what ever
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He doesn’t need to declare it, his words do that for him.
BTW, Mormons only have on PROPHET at a time, the president of their church so Beck would never claim to be a prophet. But as an ‘elder in Israel’ (mormon term for priesthood holder which all boys/men over the age of 12 have) he is considered a teacher to all, even non Mormons.
Let me tell you right now, I am not a pastor, a priest, so I am not talking with any authority with in the church.
That said, I think that in order to be a false preacher, you can’t just casually discuss these topics and be declared a preacher false or otherwise.
You have to establish your authority ... as in he is directing you to learn certain things and do things as he tells you. Just as explained in Matt 23.