What further revelations? Where does Paul say that his gospel is different than that of the others? What you write here does not mean that what Paul was given was different and as you say not contradictory or competing with the others.
What I see here and read in these verses is that Paul was given private revelation and what revelation he received he took to the “pillars of the Church”Peter, James and John, the Church which he claims later is the “pillar and foundation of truth” that the gospel or revelation he taught was indeed true.
As to Paul's gospel of grace, gospel of the uncircumcision, being different from Peter's gospel of the Kingdom, gospel of the circumcision, Paul states in Gal. 2:2 that he went up to Jerusalem by revelation, and communicated unto those there THAT GOSPEL which he preached among the Gentiles. But he communicated PRIVATELY to them which were of reputation, (Peter, James, John) that gospel that he preached among the Gentiles. If it were the same gospel, why tell them privately?
"And when James, Cephas (Peter), and John who seemed to be pillars, perceived THE GRACE that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision."Gal. 2:9.
It is about THE GRACE which was given to Paul that James, Peter and John perceived and caused them to give Paul the right hand of fellowship. The Grace. The Dispensation of the Grace of God. THAT is the gospel that Paul took to those at Jerusalem and gave to them privately. It was not the gospel of the Kingdom that was being preached by Peter and the 11, hoping for Israel to repent and accept Christ as their Messiah. It was a new day dawning, and James, Peter and John perceived that. Israel as a nation was not repenting, and they could NOT take their kingdom gospel to the ends of the world until Israel had accepted Christ as their Messiah. "Beginning at Jerusalem..."