Any chance you remember the name of the book?
“Anyway, note the change in popular culture in a different way, whereby it is ourselves who are to battle Satan, not God. This can be seen in statues and paintings of Saint Michael. It just happens that before the 1960s, he is depicted with a very calm face, for it is God who does the battle. After the 1960s, Saint Michael has an angry, almost frustrated face, for he is doing the battle himself. Not good. Again, Saint Michael himself said: May God rebuke you!”
Paintings are a great indication of where we’re heading. The deterioration started around the 14th century. Holland - Antwerp and Haarlem (and other European countries) were forbidden to paint, sculpt, write, publish, anything remotely Catholic. Soon there was no God, no Holy Family, no angels or saints. The Guilds were taken over by rich freemasons, paintings were made bare of anything remotely Catholic. They painted pastural scenes, animals, still life, the usual portraits and discovered the ancient Greek gods and goddess’ which depicted nudes in all varieties of poses...