“...how hard it is to leave Mormonism...”
Just as a point of reference, all of her family is Morman but they still keep in touch to a degree. A brother is one of the big shots in SLC. She left 30+ years ago during college and married a Christian (who is now studying to be a preacher). They are both active and involved in the church. And with all of that it STILL struck a nerve hearing her old faith called a cult!
Good luck on your efforts in helping Christians minister to those who have left Mormonism.
And with all of that it STILL struck a nerve hearing her old faith called a cult!
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I’m not surprised. I know many ex-mos who even after decades after leaving the LDS still have hot spots and even a few issues.
I was speaking to a woman the other day who left about 5 yrs ago and became a Christian, and she STILL thinks ‘the Fall’ was a good thing.
One of the proofs of the brainwashing of the LDS is the fact it is so hard to get Mormon mindset changed and out of your system. It runs very deep.