The Beatitudes is an example of some parts of the Scripture being confusing until, or unless, you understand other parts of it. When put together it is confusing only in its simplicity.
I so agree, dear MNR! Which is why the Holy Scriptures cannot profitably be read literally, one line at a time so to speak. Every line is part of a larger context, which is the Holy Scriptures entire. The amazing thing is no one Biblical statement contradicts any other statement everything dovetails (to to speak) into the ultimate simplicity of this revelation from God expressed in symbolic (not literal!) language.
And another truly amazing thing is that, not only is it the case that no statement from the Holy Scriptures contradicts any other in any way, but also that any such statement does not contradict anything in God's three other revelations to us: the Creation itself, a/k/a/ the "Book of Nature," or the natural world; the revelation of the Son of God in the Incarnation of Christ; and the revelation of the Holy Spirit with us.
And all of God's Revelations are continuing.... Nothing is "finished" yet.... Except the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross, for the redemption of us sinners....
Or so it seems to me. I feel like an active participant in God's sacred drama....
In an earlier post, you wrote: "As I understand, it is between US and HIM, period. We are in a personal relationship with Him and from that we get our joy, our wisdom and our salvation!"
To me, this is fundamental. And it constitutes an amazing adventure....
Thank you ever so much for writing, dear Mind-numbed Robot!