Was never familiar with this.
I was taught that my physical being was derived from the primordial soup and then to complete me god gave me a soul. Through both of these I developed emotions.
Which in a way explains everything. Physically we are all the same however, there we’re two other paths. God with spirituality and Satan with emotion.
God gave us the ability to love, be compassionate and forgiving. Satan gave us jealousy, avarice and hate.
God gave us the ability to think as individuals. Satan gave us groupthink. God gave us the ability to be the master of our own domain. Satan gave us rulers and enslaved us.
Now you know the evolution of conservatism and liberalism.
Pretty simple.
It would seem your belief is that God and satan are equals.
“Master of our own domain....”
You know that phrase alone is enough to take this thread in a completely different direction.
Left something out. When you die, your physical being is destroyed. However your spiritual being lives on and will eventually find another physical being to live within.
Which probably would explain why throughout the years you have great people who contribute accomplishments that benefit humanity. Then you get a Hitler every so often.
Which could also explain why over the course of story, the Jews have given humanity such great gifts and the Muslims give us bomb vests.