“Did you just read the first sentence? Sheesh! Try to be nice to people, and see what you get!”
I’m sorry that my post seemed contentious to you. The irritation I showed was not with you, but with (1) some people who have actually irritated me at Mass; (2) the “reformers” who protestantized the Mass; and (3) the priests who support and encourage this kind of thing today.
Again, I apologize. I had no intention of attacking you.
I was trying to take my approach from the bishops of England and Wales, who wrote a very fine letter to the faithful regarding the revision of the English translation of the Mass. They showed respect and compassion for all their flock -- they didn't abuse the old translation (tempting as it is) out of consideration for the folks who may have gotten attached to what Fr. Z calls "the lame duck translation", instead they pointed out the positive benefits of the change.
WRT the Peace, we've got people on this thread on both sides of the debate, you catch more flies with honey, etc. etc. I think the Peace is grossly abused in some places, in others it is subdued (but arguably as you state still distracting from the "point" of Mass); still we need to be gentle with people who may be attached to it!