Well the good news is you can pack your sorrows back up. PUH LEEZE. I am am a Girl Scout leader and THERE IS NO SUCH BADGE.
The world association may have such language in an “AIDS” badge, which is a badge offered based on projects typically done by teen girls in African nation member GS. They are also have a badge on “ANEMIA”
The presence of GS at that UN conference was a serious misjudgment, and we let National GSUSA know that. The language quoted is coming from a UN pamphlet, NOT GSUSA material.
Our girls could go 12 years and never have anything to do with the WAGGGS or even GSUSA.
Pay attention, GS troops are local to the community, run by volunteers who are your neighbors, and reflect the values we leaders grew up with and try to pass along- such as choosing better role models than Lady GaGa and going camping instead of hanging out at the mall or on the computer
You may have heard the saying, "When the classroom door is closed, the curriculum IS tehe teacher." The same adage could apply to the Girl Scout troop: "When the door is closed, the agenda IS the troop leader."
While local troops can be blameless and even highly valuable, the GSUSA leadership has a pattern of funneling objectionable content to young girls through local troops.
Consider the GSUSA Journeys program material, which is REQUIRED for girls to receive the highest GSUSA awards: The Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards.(The page numbers are so you can reference the material on your own.)
BLISS page 25 and MEdia page 71 -girls are referred to a pro-abortion women's media website:
http://www.WomensMediaCenter.com >
This site also features live links to over 2 dozen pro-abortion websites, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL/Pro-Choice America, and The Abortion Access Project. http://womensmediacenter.com/index.php/about-wmc/partners.html>
AMUSE pages 50-51, material for 4th-5th grade Girl Scouts - GSUSA highlights the play, Simply Maria, which ridicules
Girltopia page 10 - Sheri S. Tepper's The Gate to Womens Country is given as an a example of a utopia. Sheri Tepper has served as the Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood for 25+ years. In The Gate to Womens Country, Tepper touts a feminist utopia through a future-fantasy of a benign feminist leaders who remove negative traits from their society through forced sterilization.
AMUSE page 24 GSUSA promotes the dance group Urban Bush Women. See the review including comments from the choreographer about the group's recent production of Zollar: Uncensored. "The choreographer said the presentation will be a collection of segments ... all of them exploring themes of eroticism and sensuality. http://www.niaonline.com/ggmsblog/?p=3187
MEdia page 25 GSUSA refers girls to www.MediaMatters.org. In February 2011, Media Matters Action along with 26 other pro-choice organizations wrote a letter to Congress to defend Planned Parenthood. The letter states, We are writing to inform you that our organizations stand united in opposition to any effort to defund Planned Parenthood.
AGENT OF CHANGE page 27 - Girls are introduced to Marjane Satrapi, Iranian, pro-abortion and gay advocate..
And then theres the eye-poppin open campaigning for sexual and reproductive rights from the young women from more than 20 countries who attended their recent gathering:
Might you object that thats only the World Association (WAGGGS)? Every member of GSUSA is automatically a member of WAGGGS and supports them in name and financially. The $12 annual membership fee girls pay to GSUSA triggers a quota that is paid by GSUSA to WAGGGS.
Mission Sisterhood page 53 GSUSA promotes WAGGGS and encourages girls to visit www.wagggs.org/en/world.
If I were local troop leader organizing all the wholesome and creative girls leadership activities so valuable to our young women, I would dissasffiliate with the GS and reoraganize into some other group not compromised by the thing that used to be Girl Scouts.
I also wanted to add that the merit badge I referred to earlier is not called "Sexuality," it's called "Becoming a Teen." It's a Junior Badge, meant for girls around 5th grade. And the discussions can absolutely take any direction permitted by the leader. One (this was online) commented:
"I have had other "planned" days (always having parents sign permission slips)...BUT - as they have gotten older we have also had some pretty graphic unplanned discussions...I had talked to an expert at our council about sensitive issues and she felt that it was ok (and expected) that discussions with teenagers would turn that way and unless it was a planned event not to obsess over permission slips."
How terribly hard it is to raise daughters (or sons) with a strong moral core rooted in the goodness of marriage and sexual love. And heaven help me, I'm speaking from experience.
Thank you for that clarification, spoken from experience. G.S. is local and is every bit as good (or bad) as the local leader(s) I, as a guardian, am very aware of what goes on at my G.S.'s meetings. Tomorrow morning she is going on a camping, horse back riding trip that she has been looking forward to all year long, she'll be gone for two over nights and you can bet your bottom dollar that I know every adult that is going on that trip.
Thanks for your participation, the G.S., like most such organizations, is only as good as its local leaders.