To: bronxville
The Secular Schools are/were 10 percent (possibly more) and thats where our focus should be, instead of carrying water for the homosexual predators who have infiltrated our schools at an ever growing rate. Our schools are being run by people who were/are teaching our kids about fisting, homosexuality is normal, etc. The English Fabians brought their program to the Fabians in this country, one of which was John Dewey (see their Atheist Humanist Manifesto). They were only to happy to begin the implementation, and as they believed in a gradual process, it wasnt even noticed by the public-at-large until fairly recently, today were seeing the fruits of their labor. It will get worse - HORRENDOUSLY WORSE - unless theyre stopped. Except for the 10% number (I think it's more like 1.5%), I'm in complete agreement with you on this. I'm no fan of public, i.e. government-funded-and-run school systems, and what you point out is one of many reasons why. Moving children out of public schools and into charter schools, private schools, and home schools is the best solution IMO.
21 posted on
06/03/2011 12:05:30 PM PDT by
Alex Murphy
(Posting news feeds, making eyes bleed: he's hated on seven continents)
To: Alex Murphy
I read sometime last year where a representative of the Education Dept stated 10%. I have no idea where I read it and couldn’t find it a few weeks ago though didn’t try very has to be out there somewhere - don’t have time to look but will try later.
You mentioned John Jay...:)
Opinion: John Jay report holds lessons for Baptists
22 posted on
06/03/2011 12:13:08 PM PDT by
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