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To: marbren
why main line American denominations, such as the LCMS, are dead. My experience could be a case study.

You're entitled to your opinion, but where the Word of God is preached and the Sacraments administered rightly, there is life ideed. Your case study is all about YOU, and why with these offered, you have rejected them in favor of another gospel, and a different experience, one where you get an emotional high.

religious Pharisees, are taking over.

In other words, those who don't agree with you.

To us born again believers,

So those baptized by water and the Spirit are not born again? You know so little of salvation doctrine, but are satisified to gaze through your rapture rubik's cude to divine the day of the Lord.

Die to self daily.

This is the second time you have brought this up, and the second time I'll ask, what does this mean to you? Another claim, do you know what it means?

People are fearful of change.

And those abiding in the Lord don't need to 'change' to a situation to satisfy the 'itch' in our ears.

Tough questions eh? You've directly answered none of them and yet you do go on. LOL.

some denominations are dead does not mean God is dead.

Real insight, which god are you worshipping today? Your insight, your reason, your________(fill in the blank). This thread has been all about you, good luck with that.

Not with P#4. RIM Pastor P#2 also was born again.

Re-baptized? What? More importantly, how is it different than the latest infant baptized in your congregation?

920 posted on 06/09/2011 8:15:59 PM PDT by xone
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To: marbren

BtW, after you got all excited about having LCMSers for ‘tough questions’, 250 or so posts ago, I have 5 pages of questions to you, that you haven’t answered. Nice communication there. One might think the questions were too tough.

921 posted on 06/09/2011 8:46:57 PM PDT by xone
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To: xone
Die to self daily. This is the second time you have brought this up, and the second time I'll ask, what does this mean to you?

In my daily born again relationship walk with my Lord Jesus Christ, also known as the sanctification process, given that I am born again therefore justified, decisions are made. I can follow my will or decide to die to self and do the Lord's will. If I follow my will I am controlled by the flesh and a slave to sin. If I follow My Lord's will I am a slave to Christ and free indeed. Now lets say I follow my will and think it is the Lord's will but it is not. My experience has shown me that the Lord has ways of putting me back on the right path, and I am grateful for the discipline. This is the neat thing about the real time in the NOW intimate relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. LCMS founder Walther got the Holy Spirit stopped working miracles back in the first century doctrine wrong.

Back to my LCMS experience. After talking to P#4 today The main problem may be the DP. Best construction for the rest of the Synod folks is that DP gave them bad information in his cover up of his illegal actions.

922 posted on 06/12/2011 11:19:06 AM PDT by marbren
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