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To: xone
All observed actions of fact, unless you were in on all of them, are colored by the log in your eye, and become less fact, more perception. Your bias has been manifest from the beginning, it is a little late to play detached observer or to put your ax back in the shed.

Very true, Our memory is distorted after 30 seconds. If there is a book it will be my POV and my experience and my story.

Is it OK for me to say OJ is a murderer? I would say no because the jury found him innocent. Documented facts from the time will be key.

Your bias has been manifest from the beginning,

I agree, Has Yours? Why are you angry, xone, about my story?

911 posted on 06/02/2011 12:23:38 PM PDT by marbren
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To: marbren
Has Yours? Why are you angry, xone, about my story?

My bias is for the truth. So yes my bias has shown. This story as previewed here seems to rely on innuendo. Facts have not been forthcoming that tie to accusations. One claims to be a hybrid Christian, and claims the LCMS as one of the origins of the hybrid, yet demonstrates a casual concern for outrageous statements, a casual attitude for factual positions of the LCMS when they are inconvenient to the book's theme. One claims to be Lutheran but demonstrate through words on FR that one is anything but. Alot of claims, without understanding what is claimed. Ignoring half of historical Lutheran teaching, one has got the Gospel right though by some of the statements that would be questionable, but ignore the Law. Luther compared the Law to a mirror where one could with the help of God, realize that they were sinful and needed a Savior. By some of the comments here, that mirror has been lain aside unused.

Why are you angry, xone, about my story?

If I appear angry, it is only because in cyberspace, anyone can claim anything, and to the casual reader you might stand forth as an example of the typical LCMS Lutheran. I want to convey to any lurkers that it would be erroneous to take that view. As I said before, I don't care about this story, or how it is framed by you. It will sell to those with the same bias and disregard for reality. Anecdotes don't reality make.

You said you wanted to converse with an LCMS'er for those 'hard' questions. While ignoring anything asked of you that you chose not to answer, you posit opinion about the questioner. I'm not angry, I am trying to be the one engaged in 'hard' questioning with someone who is uncooperative even though the questioning was their own idea. Evasiveness has no place in honest discourse.

912 posted on 06/02/2011 12:52:32 PM PDT by xone
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