Hippy doctrine: I find God in the Now, what I have done in the past, doesn't matter because I have a version of the oldest excuse in the Book to explain away my sinfulness:
Genesis 3:
12The man said, "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate."
It's not my fault, x, y, or z led me astray in __________ (fill in the blank).
Flip Wilson was wrong about "the devil made me do it." The devil led you to it, but you did it.
The only approval I need comes from my Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm guessing you didn't check with Him before some of these accusations were flung around, considering the content.
Maybe this fiction process on FR is part of the checking with him process. If there is a book it may be nonfiction. I do have thousands of pages of actual documents for the events of my story avilable. I did ask P#4 and my best friend about my FR conversations and they did not say I should stop yet. I am trying to only refer to observed actions of fact, not my log in eye judgments. It may be what the Holy Spirit wants me to do. If not, he has shown many times in my life that he knows how to discipline me. Thank You Jesus!