It doesn’t matter what denomination they were. They. Were. Protestants.
Facts are facts.
As a Catholic, I’m very used to seeing A GROUP BLAMED for the sins of a few here at FR. If you’re a regular of the forum, you’ll know exactly what I mean. And more than a few engage in it.
I’m not a saint, so you’ll forgive me if I speak plainly, at the risk of not speaking softly.
I am also in the practice of differentiating between the different sorts of Orthodox Catholics (I look at the height of the hats), and also differentiating between Orthodox and Roman Catholics, and all of them with the guys in Egypt who were excommunicated for so many centuries by both the Roman church and all the others!
Fur Shur I know the difference between Mel Gibson's father's private church and Rome, although we have some hard core RCs here who DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE that Mel is "different"!!!!!
The accusation being made is that New York Presbyterians influenced Souvrn' Baptists ~ and that just ain't so.
For a substantial period of time they were actually shooting at each other! Even Catholics served in that war, although entirely too many Irishmen who landed in Souvrn' ports took up with the Confederates (for my taste, but maybe not yours).
The biggest anti-Catholic action taken by anyone regarding America was a decision by someone in Rome TO NOT BOTHER SENDING PRIESTS, so they didn't, and there you have it.
Jefferson and the gang had to almost start shanghaing Catholic priests to tend to their own congregations.