The day before my father-in-law (a Roman Catholic) died unexpectedly, we had a conversation similar to this, and I asked him, what do you trust for your salvation to heaven from hell? He answered that he knew that Christ had saved him from his sins. If we are that far, we are on the narrow road. It was a gift from God to have heard from him that he trusted in Christ.
I believe the Bible is the standard alone for truth. I do not think that means it alone is the truth, but it is the standard. Sometimes the New York Times has truth. Thomas A Kempis spoke truth. But they are held up to the Bible for the standard.
We are so close, but yet so far from one another here. Catholicism teaches a hierarchy of Truths that proceed from the Revealed Word of God. Tradition cannot be discounted because the Bible proceeded from the Apostolic Traditions of the Church that carried the Word from the Resurrection until such time as the Word was put to paper and the Canon chose which writings would compromise the Bible.
The Church further teaches that the Holy Spirit is still active and guides the Traditions to this day. Surely Protestants must believe this or they could not claim that the works of the Reformation had any divine inspiration or authorship.