There is absolutely nothing wrong with our healthcare in this nation...yet. Obamacare will ruin this.
The Hospital explained that they are big receipiants of grants and that is a condition of eligibility; they must cover the uninsured (being uninsured does not guarantee help though...the application process is quite thorough and akin to an audit of any assets a patient has.) The situation of each applicant is examined.
There is help out there though. My brother was transferred from this hospital to a ‘For-profit’ facility for an additional 3 days of his care. They also have financial assistance available but that application process just started.
We have a magnificent system that is being ripped to shreds. It hasn’t kicked in yet but I suspect that all this will disappear; along with the care.
Well, If the healthcare system and economy collapses, unless God does a miracle of healing for me, and others with debilitating conditions, we’re going to be among the first to go.
I’ll be OK as long as the anti-histamines, chicken and oats hold out. If the oats become unavailable, that’s it for me.
I know one can live on meat alone, but you have to be able to get it.