I've notice why Romney supports abortions.... I don't see too many people with downs being temple worthy.
I wonder what the abortion rates are among mormons who learn they are going to have a downs baby?"
That brings up a very interesting aspect of the theology of the breakaway LDS sect of mormonism. It is taught that those with "downs syndrome" were the most valiant in the war in heaven, that their place in the celestial kingdom is completely secured, and that their earthly condition is a protection from God(s) against demonic revenge plots.
I have personally seen four separate people with downs in the temple, three of them I persoanlly used as stand ins during marathon necro-dunking sessions.
That’s funny because I had a Mormon doctor who kept advising that I might want to “rethink” having a baby if it had downs. Perhaps that was a one off but he had many children who were “perfect” as the receptionist once told me.