Most visitors to Free Republic are attracted to our very popular (and, warning: addictive) conservative news and discussion forum which can be found by clicking here or following any of the forum links in the sidebars.
Any topic, including religious topics (maybe especially religious topics) that does not have relation to a current conservative news topic is an abuse of the forum (for the purpose of spreading propaganda with a personal agenda). If you are an adult, it should not require someone else to point this out to you (or that they dont have ballet performances during football games).
Is is presumed that you are capable of understanding the basics.
The RM clarified this forum’s purpose here:
You are just another poster - and as such have no say as to the content of this forum. You can quote the FR home page all you want - you are not in that particular forum. Are you presuming to tell JR what to do with this forum?
You don’t like the discussions here - then leave.