That’s a thoughtful observation on your part. Let’s look at it from another perspective.
It would be just as easy to argue that Christianity hijacked Judaism, took its book (OT), perverted the true Messiah [Savior] (who hasn’t come yet), created a man made cult which follows non-Jewish teachings like the Trinity and they use a fictional set of scriptures (NT) to maintain their point. They slander the Messiah, his mission and Judaism.
That applies here. I expect you to believe as best you can and practice that belief. I can respect your conscience. It causes me no harm.
(BTW - I am under the impression that this is an LDS caucus thread we are posting to)
Um, no my stunt Mormon friend...
Two problems with that concept.
First Jesus is the Messiah as foretold so that concludes that point. That there were Jews who decided not to follow him despite that was their choice and we Christians respect that. We do witness to them as we can but that is another matter.
Second, and most important to the point we do not refer to ourselves as Jews. We are a wholly different group due to the new covenant, we do not represent ourselves as Judaism in any form.
The fictional scriptures piece is a given. The BOM is wholly made up and contains fictional characters and places. The NT has transcripts and original source materials, and the people places and things of the NT are known by even those outside the faith. One does not have to look far to find Cesar or Rome or Jerusalem.
I have no issue with individual practicing their belief, worship the tooth fairy for all I care. But if you call the tooth fairy Jesus Christ, rewrite his story and claim it Christianity and start a Church based on that then yes, I do have an issue with the new religion.