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40 Days for Life launches record-shattering campaign. March 9 to April 17 ^ | 2011 | 40 Days for Life

Posted on 03/07/2011 11:07:14 PM PST by Salvation

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To: Faith

When you pray at the abortion facility you represent
the last hope for the baby scheduled to be aborted ...

... but you are also represent the first sign of mercy
as the woman leaves the facility after the abortion.

It’s a sad fact that many of the women arriving for
abortion appointments today have already been there

Many of these women have had one or more abortions
previously. Many are still hurting. Others try to numb
themselves to the pain.

Whether they’re ready to admit it or not, they need the
mercy and healing hand of Christ. Fortunately, that’s
the message that YOU are bringing them through 40 Days
for Life.


“I know I’m going to hell,” a woman told 40 Days for
Life vigil participants. “I had an abortion at this
very clinic.”

Sherri, the 40 Days for Life coordinator in Lakeland,
tried to reassure her that God’s grace can see us
through all situations, no matter how grave.

But she wasn’t convinced. “God won’t forgive me. I had
my abortion for all the wrong reasons.”

When asked if she thought that God was incapable of
forgiving her, she said, “Of course not.”

“We shared with her that if we refuse to ask God for
forgiveness,” said Sherri, “we are in fact denying His
power to forgive.”

The woman cast her eyes to the ground. After some
persuasion she agreed to take some information.

“I pray,” said Sheri, “that she has the courage to go
to the feet of Jesus in order to save her own life.”


A smartly-dressed woman drove up in a very nice car, got
out, and walked right up to the people praying at the
40 Days for Life vigil to thank them for being there.

She told of growing up in a radical pro-choice family
who forced her to have an abortion when she was 19. If
only there had been people outside praying, she said,
she could have been swayed into going against her
family’s wishes.

Today, this woman has a 19-year-old daughter of her
own. Recalling her own experiences, she now wants to
know how she can help spread the truth so that others
won’t have to go through what she did.


A woman driving past the 40 Days for Life vigil in
Pensacola let loose with a tirade of rude words and
gestures — then pulled into a parking lot and stopped.

One of the vigil participants felt an impulse to go
over to ask if she was okay.

“What makes you think you can come out here and judge
people and hold up your abortion posters and make
people feel bad?” was the response.

When she realized that the prayer volunteer was truly
concerned about her, this young woman opened up. She
had an abortion when she was 17 — and does not regret
it. But the way she was acting presented a different
picture altogether.

“I could tell that deep down inside, she did regret
her abortion,” said the volunteer, “but wasn’t ready
to admit it to herself.” Why else would she be so
disturbed by three women kneeling and praying, holding
up a “pray for an end to abortion” sign?

“Her heart was softened by my care for her, listening,
and explanation about our true sentiments and motives.
It was a planted seed,” the 40 Days for Life participant
said. “I will continue to pray for her.”

81 posted on 03/30/2011 10:29:54 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 22 - March 30



Pray for fathers who participated in the decision to abort their child, and for those who did not have a voice, that they would find freedom and healing in Christ.


If indeed you have heard Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

-- Ephesians 4: 21-23


According to the Guttmacher Institute, one-third of American women will have had an abortion by age 45. Seldom reported however is the fact that an equally significant number of men have played a role in terminating a pregnancy. Some have participated through persuasion, or by providing the financial means for the abortion. Still others were against an abortion, but had no sway in the decision to terminate their child.

Only in recent years have we realized that men suffer from their loss, as more and more seek healing. Warren Williams, founder of Fathers and Brothers Ministries says he believes men are coming forward for help because God instilled in men a desire to be a protector of their lineage, a provider for their families, to be a husband and father.

Men are suffering and grieving the loss of their children, and though their grief may be expressed differently than that of a woman, it is grief nonetheless and they too need tender care and biblical counseling to experience forgiveness and healing.

Intervention at the appropriate time in the decision-making process may spare both the young man and woman from the lifelong pain and trauma of abortion. Biblical counseling for post-abortive men and women is essential for them to heal and begin their life anew in Christ.


Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for young men who participated in the termination of their child and are broken as You are over their loss. Forgive their sin, Lord, and bring opportunity for healing and renewal of their minds in Christ Jesus. For those suffering from an abortion they did not choose, restore their joy as they learn to forgive others and trust You with their future. In the name of Christ, who heals the brokenhearted, amen.

Carmen Pate
Co-host, "Point of View" Talk Show

82 posted on 03/30/2011 10:30:30 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Today’s email from Shaen Carney:

Have I mentioned lately that this is the largest 40 Days
for Life campaign ever?

With 247 locations participating the stories are coming
in from around the world — literally!

Today, let’s take a look at some of the communities
taking part in 40 Days for Life for the first time. It
takes a lot of faith to bring this effort to a community
and lead it, especially for the first time. And yet the
blessings continue to pour in.

Take a look for yourself!


A group of teens has become a regular sight on Thursday
nights in Cobleskill, which is hosting its first 40 Days
for Life campaign. The vigil location is near the
busiest corner in town, with a popular restaurant and
movie theater nearby.

“It is inspiring not only watching the teens pray for
the unborn in below freezing temperatures in Upstate
New York,” said Pat in Cobleskill, “but to be able to
watch the impact they have on all those who drive and
walk past.”

To see the youth group at the 40 Days for Life vigil
in Cobleskill, please go to:


Windsor is hosting its first 40 Days for Life campaign —
and has already reported that at least one baby has been
spared from abortion!

>From Windsor also comes one of the best letters to the
editor we’ve ever seen in support of 40 Days for Life.
It was written by Jim Armaly and published in the
Windsor Star.

Jim called his first experience with 40 Days for Life
“an eye-opener because I had not realized the venom and
rudeness of the pro-abortion faction.”

While he was praying, he noted obscenities, rude gestures,
drivers who passed very close to the curb.

“From all of this, therefore, I can only conclude that
they are not really pro-choice at all,” he wrote. “How
can they be if they don’t respect our choice to silently
pray and ask others to pray?”

A young woman accused him — respectfully, he noted —
of trying to force people to not abort.

“Doesn’t ‘force’ imply to most of us something physical?”
he asked. “But the signs simply ask people to pray. Isn’t
this definitely a non-violent request?”

For those of us who do pray, he said, “we know that
prayer is a force to be reckoned with but in an
entirely different sense. Makes me wonder if they
somehow know that.”

Will he go out again? “I plan to. There just may be
more unexpected experiences for me.”

For a link the entire letter, please go to:


There are six campaigns in progress in Australia right
now, covering the nation from coast to coast.

Brad Taylor, the local coordinator of the initial
campaign in Perth, has posted a video inviting folks
in Western Australia to get involved in 40 Days for Life.

Some of the statistics he mentions are specific to his
city, state and nation, but the message applies
everywhere that abortion on demand is legally permitted.

Watch the video! You’ll be inspired to keep going for the
rest of these 40 days — and beyond — by Brad’s
optimistic call to action: “Let’s make abortion history!”

To see the video from Perth, please go to:

If you haven’t been to pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil
yet, we still have 17 more days! To find the location
nearest you, please go to:

83 posted on 03/31/2011 5:42:20 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 23 - March 31



For the medical community, that the truth they know about the human body may become awe and wonder at the God who made it.


Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

--Psalm 139:16


Human beings -- God's tapestries.

Psalm 139 is a psalm that reveals the enormity and otherness of God. His divine attributes are on display: omniscience (2-4), omnipresence (7-12), loving-kindness (17-18), justice (19-20), righteousness (23-24), and omnipotence. Yet, when it came to express this last attribute, what example did the psalmist use - God's creation of mountains, seas, or far-flung galaxies? No, he used none of these. To express the wonder of God's unparalleled creative power the writer mentions the fashioning of the human in the womb (14-16).

The Hebrew word used to express God's forming of us in the womb, raqam, is the same term for needlework or embroidery. In other words, we are a tapestry that displays God's artistic mastery. And, like the artist who knows his creation down to the last detail, God intimately knows us. This reality provokes the writer to awe and wonder. He proclaims, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

What is true for this psalmist is true for each human being. Each is fashioned by God and known by him and we can proclaim on behalf of each, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."


Gracious God, help us to appreciate the wonder and beauty of Your creation. Help us proclaim on behalf of every one of our fellow human beings, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." May the knowledge that we are intimately known by You shape our lives and actions. Amen.

Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh
Pastor, Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

84 posted on 03/31/2011 5:46:37 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation; All

Holy God,

How it must grieve You to see Your people try to rationalize the killing of Your precious children. The lies have been repeated so often that they have been believed even by those who claim to be Yours. The great Liar stalks about, seeking to deceive especially those who call You Lord. Awaken us from our stupor, Father God, and help us to be alert and vigilant. Give us the strength and courage to stand up and declare that the killing of babies in the womb is WRONG! Inhabit our prayers, Lord, and help us to protect the children; for there can be no compromise with darkness. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

85 posted on 04/02/2011 4:29:41 PM PDT by Faith
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Comment #86 Removed by Moderator

To: Salvation

We all wants signs from God. It’s part of our human nature.

Throughout the scriptures, there are countless examples
of God’s people asking Him to give them a sign. We pray
for discernment, but often only settle for a tangible sign.

Throughout this 40 Days for Life campaign, YOU have been
the sign to people who least expect it. Sometimes the
sign is an actual sign — the poster you’re holding.

Other times — as Francis of Assisi noted — you simply
preach the gospel ... and use words only when necessary.


“Thank you,” said the e-mail message one of the Charlotte
coordinators received. “You saved my baby today!”

A young woman arriving for an appointment noticed the
40 Days for Life signs in front of the abortion center,
but she didn’t really pay much attention.

That wouldn’t come until later. At this point, she had
other things on her mind.

For one thing, the child’s father had to stay in the
abortion center’s waiting room, and she didn’t care for
that policy.

“They don’t let your family or friends be part of this,”
she said, which “should be a creepy tip-off.”

Next, the staff told her the cost of the abortion would
be double the amount they had mentioned on the phone.

But then, something happened. “I saw my baby on the
ultrasound,” she said, “and that changed the whole
world. I stormed out.”

On her way back through the waiting room on her way out
the door, “I told the girls there is still time and I
will have them in my prayers.”

On leaving the building, she saw the 40 Days for Life
signs again. She went home, Googled the name, found the
Charlotte campaign’s Facebook page — and wrote to the
local coordinators.

The local team connected her with pro-life prenatal
resources. They report the young woman is very happy —
her child is safe from abortion — and they will
continue to help her.

To see some photos of the 40 Days for Life vigil in
Charlotte, please go to:


Charlotte had been trying to get to the 40 Days for Life
vigil in Tempe since it started. But with two small
children, she said, “life gets busy.”

But finally, she just decided to go. She took her older
child to preschool and went to pray at the vigil with
her 8-month-old daughter — who was still in her pajamas.

“When we first got there,” she wrote in the 40 Days for
Life blog, “it was just two young men peacefully holding
their signs.”

Charlotte didn’t bring a sign. “So at first I just
stood there silently and prayed, baby girl in hand.
Within 10 minutes, more volunteers came with signs.”

She didn’t know anyone, but they all prayed as one.
Still, she said, she felt odd being the only one who
didn’t have a sign.

“Passersby started smiling and waving,” she said.
“I looked down to kiss the very active 8-month-old
in my arms and realized my daughter had learned to
wave!” And not just a little wave — an energetic,
both-hands-and-both-arms wave.

“That’s when it hit me that my 8-month-old was
smiling, waving, laughing and ministering to every
person who looked at her,” wrote Charlotte.

“My baby said more than any sign could have. She is
proof of God’s amazing work. She may not understand
it yet, but she could have saved lives.”

At this point, Charlotte realized, “I had the
best sign!”

87 posted on 04/02/2011 8:01:50 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Obedience is easy when life is going well.

It’s a hindrance when it goes against what we want or
when all comfort is removed. Still nothing is more
freeing or liberating than obedience because it always
points us to God’s love.

Today’s prayer intention is, “That God will bless us
with His gift of strength as we respond in obedience
to His call.”

As the final two weeks of this 40 Days for Life campaign
approach, I wanted to share stories about a couple of
people, who despite the obstacles, are responding to
God’s call.


Please keep our friend Chris Slattery in your prayers.
In addition to coordinating 40 Days for Life in New York
City, Chris directs the EMC Frontline chain of pro-life
pregnancy resource centers.

Recently, burglars broke into EMC’s South Bronx clinic
— a center that’s right across the street from a
Planned Parenthood office. Chris says the EMC clinic
was virtually destroyed.

“The rampage of these heartless criminals shattered
windows, stole all of our audio visual equipment,
destroyed displays and supplies, tore up the ceiling,
doors, and floor,” Chris told Life Site News. “They
even broke into our supply closet and stole our Pampers.”

He suspects the burglars were drug addicts looking for
quick cash.

Meanwhile, the work goes on. One of the EMC Frontline
bloggers wrote about taking part in 40 Days for Life
for the first time.

“The opportunity for prayer is astounding in helping
the effectiveness of my work throughout the rest of my
week,” she wrote.” It fuels the passion and the drive
necessary to reach the women I work with every day.
Community outreach has truly been the most visibly

To see a photo from 40 Days for Life in New York City,
please go to:


While a 40 Days for Life volunteer was praying with her
daughter at the vigil in La Puente, a young mom came by
“with the most gorgeous baby,” said one volunteer.

The volunteer asked the mother if this was her first
child. At first, she didn’t answer. She just started
to cry.

Prior to this child’s arrival, she said, she had an
abortion. “It took me eight years wanting another child.
But I wasn’t able to conceive. Then one day, I passed by
the abortion clinic and noticed the 40 Days for Life
campaign. I told my elder sons, ‘We’re going to pray.’
A few months later, I was expecting my third child.”

The young mom’s family would tell her, “Be quiet! You
can never talk about your abortion!” But now, she says,
“After eight years I will no longer keep quiet. Although
I didn’t save my baby, I can help save the lives of
babies to come.”

For a couple of pictures of 40 Days for Life in
La Puente, please go to:


I know I’ve mentioned families praying at the 40 Days
for Life vigil a couple of times already during this
campaign. But every time I do, I get e-mail affirming
the great blessings that children bring to the sidewalk,
and I get pictures of families in action outside the
abortion centers.

Therese in Portland sent a great photo of a family that
prays together often at their vigil. There are nine
children in the family. Not all of them are able to
come on every family visit, but Therese says there are
usually at least seven, all carrying their custom-made
signs. She describes them as “a family of love.”

To see a photo of these children and their messages at
40 Days for Life in Portland, please go to:

88 posted on 04/02/2011 8:04:40 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 24 - April 1



That we may realize the generational impact of abortion.


Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer and Rebekah his wife conceived. The children struggled together within her, and she said," If it is thus, why do I live?" So she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger."

-- Genesis 25:21-23


Human beings -- God's tapestries.

What an answer to prayer!

Who dares to say that the unborn are not human, with distinct personality and character right from the moment of conception? This account emphasizes the vitality and uniqueness of the twins who, because of Isaac's prayer for his wife, were conceived in Rebekah's womb.

When Rebekah was told by the Lord that the older would serve the younger twin, God already knew that Jacob and Esau would lead turbulent and conflicted lives. God knows us and knows all about us, including our personality and disposition long before we are actually born, indeed, from the moment we are conceived in our mother's womb.

What a tragedy of gargantuan proportions that babies, planned and endowed by the Creator, with distinct and unique personalities and with, perhaps, a future and destiny intended for greatness, have their lives snuffed out by cruel abortionists before they ever see the light of day! May our prayers that the dreadful scourge of abortion in our land may vanish be as fervent as Isaac's were for Rebekah.


O, God, you formed us in our mother's womb and planned a unique and special life and purpose for each of us, and we do thank you. Grant that we may pray and work for an end to abortion, especially in these 40 Days, so that no unborn baby you have made may fail to achieve your divine intention for him or her because of intentional abortion. We pray this for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Rev. Ben Sheldon
President Emeritus, Presbyterians Pro-life and National Pro-life Religious Council

89 posted on 04/02/2011 8:08:19 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 25 - April 2



That God will bless us with His gift of strength as we respond in obedience to His call.


Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, 'surely we did not know this', does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

-- Proverbs 24:11-12


In this age of technologically advanced communication, ignorance of human rights abuses is no excuse. We know there are persecuted Christians in China, there is genocide in Darfur, and there are babies aborted and women and families devastated right in our own communities.

"But I can't save them all" you say. God isn't asking you to. He has equipped each of us with time, talent, and treasure to do what we can when He provides the opportunity. He has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us as we abide in Him. He is asking us to be on His side in speaking out and protecting those who can't protect themselves.

When we are obedient to His calling to get in on the work He is doing, we will experience intimacy with Him in a whole new way. Our faith will increase as we see God at work! You have responded to His call during this 40 Days for Life campaign.

Let your efforts be for His pleasure and His purposes. Pray without ceasing!


God Almighty, we pray for continued guidance and strength as we intercede on behalf of the young women and their babies who are stumbling to the slaughter. Open the eyes of the mother's heart to see her child as you do - a precious gift to be treasured. Let her feel Your loving arms around her and may she be assured that you have a plan and a future for her and her child. Give her reason not to enter the abortion clinic. Give her wisdom and discernment to find life options through a local pregnancy care center and may she boldly choose life. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer. Because of Your Son's sacrifice we pray, amen.

Carmen Pate
Co-host, "Point of View" Talk Show

90 posted on 04/02/2011 8:09:09 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Father God,

Though our sense knowledge tells us that lies and the killing of the unborn will prevail forever, yet we lift up our eyes to You, knowing that nothing is too difficult for You. We confess that You are the God of the impossible. You give our hearts wisdom and understanding so that we may trust in You to respond to our prayers in Your perfect way and in Your perfect timing. Hear our heart cries for Your people to protect the lives of the unborn until the day of Christ’s return. Even now, Lord, come quickly. Amen.

91 posted on 04/03/2011 11:03:04 AM PDT by Faith
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To: Faith

Today’s email:

Abortion pierces the heart like no other issue —
especially when a rape is involved.

I have more reports from around the globe; but before
that, I want to share with you one of the most touching
notes I’ve ever received regarding a rape case.

This Sunday, give thanks for the love of God, which is
penetrating the most desperate situations and bringing
hope where the world often claims there is no hope.


“I want to thank my mother, who did not succumb to the
pressure to abort me after being raped 30 years ago,”
said this 40 Days for Life participant. “Today, she
chokes up with emotion whenever she tells me how
special and important I am to her life! Praise God!”

I simply cannot imagine what that pressure would have
been like. This is one of the so-called hard cases where
abortion is somehow deemed acceptable. But as this
woman’s life shows, this is not about statistics or
“difficult choices.” It’s about human beings.

“I am not perfect. But because I was given the chance to
live, I can and do strive for holiness,” she wrote.
“Thank you, pro-lifers, for recognizing AND reminding me
that I am beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image.”

Abortion supporters, she said, “will have people like me
think that we are monsters who must be punished for the
crime of our father. I know what he did was wrong; but
I pray for him and hope to see him in heaven as a
repentant sinner.”

I tell you, her story inspires ME. But for her part, she
humbly says that she is inspired by ... YOU!

“Reading all of these responses makes me so enthusiastic
about going back to pray ... to save more lives,” she said.
“God bless you all and keep up the good work!”


One of the 40 Days for Life team members in London was
interviewed on the radio recently. The reporter for
City University Radio asked Dan Blackman about the vigil
and about the campaign, of course.

But she also asked about some of those “hard cases”
where some people say abortion can be justified — yes,
including cases were the pregnancy occurs as the result
of an assault.

Dan answered the reporter’s questions calmly, directly
— and accurately.

For a link to the radio interview — and a photo of the
40 Days for Life vigil in London, please go to:


Every Saturday, Mary Anne in Ithaca keeps seeing two
people standing on the porch at Planned Parenthood
wearing escort vests.

“We continue to pray for these two escorts,” she said,
“that one day they will be escorted out of that place
and be free.”

Mary Anne says 40 Days for Life is having a definite
impact. “We received some comments from those walking
by us, saying we are doing the right thing.” Those
people are always invited to join the vigil.

“Praise God for all His graces and mercy,” she said.
“We should never underestimate the power of prayer.
The Lord is touching hearts.”

To see a photo of people praying at the 40 Days for
Life vigil in Ithaca — yes, it’s another picture of
some great kids! — please go to:

92 posted on 04/03/2011 6:24:31 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 26 - April 3



Pray that we fully recognize in the unborn child our brother, our sister, and we recommit ourselves to care for them.


Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The Lord said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

-- Genesis 4:8-10


After Cain committed the first murder in human history, God asked him, "Where is your brother?" He replied by saying, "I don't know."

In 1973, the Supreme Court was asked the same question, and gave the same answer. Unable to admit that the unborn children are our brothers and sisters, the Supreme Court said in its Roe v. Wade ruling, "We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins." Boil all that down to three words, and it's, "I don't know."

The question, "Where is your brother?" will be asked at the final judgment. Each person will answer it and be judged by it. May we be judged to have recognized and loved all our brothers and sisters, born and unborn.

By participating in the 40 Days for Life, we have been answering that question each day, going to where our brothers and sisters are killed, and proclaiming that we have a responsibility to them. By all the pro-life work we will continue to do, we likewise answer that question which reaches from one end of human history to the other.


Father, today we hear your voice, and we respond to the question you ask each of us: "Where is your brother?" We recognize in the unborn child our brother, our sister, and we recommit ourselves today to care for them. Yes, Father, you have entrusted us to the care of one another. We rejoice that you have given us the grace to respond. As we work to renew our culture, we look forward to the great day of the coming of your Son, when every eye will see him, even of those who pierced him, and every knee shall bend, and every tongue confess, to the glory of God the Father, that Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life and President, National Pro-life Religious Council

93 posted on 04/04/2011 10:56:57 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Today’s email from Shawn Carney:

It’s Monday!

Mondays are the BEST days during the campaign. Monday
means that it’s time to report the number of saves.

So here’s some good news to start your week!

Thus far in the current 40 Days for Life campaign,
there have been ...

... 253 babies saved from abortion — that we know of!

It’s the “that we know of” part that gives me the
greatest hope.

Who knows but the Lord Himself how many lives have been
saved because Planned Parenthood can’t find an
abortionist in Columbia, Missouri, where a 40 Days for
Life vigil is going on?

Abortions have not taken place there since January!

Who knows how many lives have been spared because Golden
Gate Health Care closed its abortion centers in San
Francisco and San Mateo, where 40 Days for Life vigils
have been held?

They locked the doors right before this campaign began
— and have thus far not been able to re-open!

The bottom line is that PRAYER WORKS! Thank you for all
your prayers — and thanks to our all-merciful God for
these glorious blessings!


A couple had been struggling with their decision
regarding their unplanned pregnancy, and after
discussing it for a few weeks had decided to have
the abortion.

“They actually walked past the abortion center at first
because they didn’t know exactly where it was,” said
Patti. But because of that, they also walked past the
four people who were praying outside as part of the
40 Days for Life vigil.

They eventually found the entrance and went it.

But they walked out a short time later and had a message
for the people praying: “We didn’t do it!”

They said the sight of people praying was the sign they
were looking for to help them decide to keep their baby.

“This baby was saved just because of a peaceful and
prayerful presence,” said Patti. “Praise God!”


Michigan is taking an abortion center owner to court —
the owner of the facility where the 40 Days for Life
team in Southfield is holding its vigil.

According to media reports, the owner has been accused
of operating without the proper license. The state says
the center still performs abortions, even though its
license expired last summer.

It’s not clear yet what the state will do. So please
keep the Southfield team in your prayers as their vigil
outside Womancare of Southfield continues.


“We must praise God at all times,” said Ernie in

One day recently, several 40 Days for Life vigil
participants reported that eight moms left the American
Family Planning abortion facility — on an abortion day
— without having abortions.

“We don’t know exactly what was going on to make all
these parents leave the facility at one time and not
go through with the abortion,” he said, “but we must
all now pray that they may choose life for their babies
and not return.”

Above all, Ernie said, “we know that God is working
marvelous deeds among the staff and clients of the two
abortion facilities here in Pensacola, and we know that
it is your persistent, peaceful, prayerful presence in
front of these two places of death that is making all
the difference!”

The same goes for every other 40 Days for Life vigil
location as well — in nine different countries, all
around the world!

94 posted on 04/04/2011 10:58:35 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 27 - April 4



We pray for the gift of openness to children.


God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

-- Genesis 1:27-28


God's intention is that we multiply and fill the earth.

One of the most pernicious lies that sociologists have foisted off on the public is that the earth is becoming overpopulated. What kind of a sadistic god would create the earth and human creatures on it, only to have them literally reproduce themselves into oblivion? The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our divine Creator, has commanded us to multiply and fill the earth and far from letting the population get out of control, He has, in fact given his human creatures a dominical role over all the lesser creatures. The "birth control" movement, which had its beginnings with Margaret Sanger in the early years of the last century, has led, in many parts of the world, to a birthrate that is drastically below the normal replacement rate.

God's Word assures us that children are a blessing, that they are a reward of faithfully trusting and serving God and that they are the crown of their parents' old age. The spread of the contraception mentality that has so permeated our culture is, undoubtedly, a factor in the ready acceptance of abortion. God's commandment to multiply and fill the earth has never been withdrawn. May He help us to accept the gift of children and give him thanks for every baby who is born into the world.


Father of mercy and grace, we thank you for the gift of our children. Grant that every fiber of our being may rejoice when a new baby, our own or any else's, is born into the world. Help us to welcome them as we would welcome you, for whenever a new baby is conceived, another life to bear your image and another voice to praise and worship you, is beginning. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Rev. Ben Sheldon
President Emeritus, Presbyterians Pro-life and National Pro-life Religious Council

95 posted on 04/04/2011 10:59:32 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Today’s email from Shawn Carney:

Today I’m going to the 40 Days for Life campaigns in
Winston-Salem and Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Upon hearing of my visit in Chapel Hill, the Planned
Parenthood spokesperson labeled the campaign “40 days
of harassment.”

When we pray at abortion facilities, our first goal is
to extend God’s grace and mercy to others as we stand
in vigil.

Some will ignore us. Some will be inspired. Others will
say it’s “harassment.” I’m reminded of Mother Teresa’s
assertion that Christ doesn’t call us to be successful;
He calls us to be faithful.

We usually don’t see immediate results. But be assured,
you are planting seeds. The rest is up to the Holy
Spirit. We just have to press on in faith — and faith
can remove the blinders that convince people that love
is “harassment.”


The 40 Days for Life team in Calgary has to deal with a
court order — a longstanding ruling that forbids vigil
participants from speaking to anyone unless that person
approaches them first. It’s quite a hurdle.

The prayer team could only watch as a young couple
walked out of the abortion center and got in their truck.
“She cried and cried while he held and hugged her,” said
one volunteer, “and she could see our signs.”

The signs’ message: “Hurting after abortion?” They
offered local contact information for finding help. It
was clear that the young man was reading the signs.

“Oh, our hearts were breaking for them,” said the vigil
participant. “We hope and pray they will find help to
grieve and face their loss ... and find forgiveness.”

The court order makes things difficult. “But we will
continue,” said the volunteer. “It’s worth the
two-and-a-half hour drive that it takes us to get to
the clinic every time. May God have mercy on our nation!”


A woman who prays often at the 40 Days for Life vigil
in Adelaide offered some perspectives about persisting
in faith.

“One never knows what effect God might have, through
us, on those who see us there,” she wrote. “I’m always
mindful of presenting a friendly face.”

Recently, she was able to share information with a
young woman about the development of the child in the
womb. “She seemed very appreciative of our conversation
and thanked me.” But she also kept her appointment at
the clinic.

The volunteer then offered the same material to a woman
who was in her 13th week of pregnancy.

“Where she was originally very disinterested in any
contact with me,” the vigil participant said, “by the
time we had finished talking she seemed far more at
ease, thanked me for the info and words of
encouragement, and left with a smile and a wave.”

Did either of these women change their minds? Right now,
no one knows. But this faithful volunteer hopes “our
peaceful, caring, non-judgmental, gentle presence might
bring about a change of heart and allow another little
one in imminent danger to live the life God intended.”


While people were praying at the 40 Days for Life prayer
vigil outside Planned Parenthood, a car with a young man
and woman inside stopped. The man asked the volunteers
what he could do.

“The Holy Spirit guided me to say, ‘You can pray with
us,’” said one of the volunteers.

He responded, “I guess I can do that,” and parked his car.

He then joined the prayer vigil on the sidewalk. He said
his girlfriend’s family is pressuring her to abort his
little daughter — and he does not want that to happen.

“I don’t know the results of our prayer,” said the

But hopefully, seeds were planted. Please keep praying!

96 posted on 04/05/2011 4:32:13 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 28 - April 5



Pray that those standing in peaceful vigil will extend mercy and grace to others as they remember that Christ did not treat us as our sins deserve.


You have heard it was said, 'you shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.

-- Matthew 5: 43-44


Perhaps it is obvious by now that not everyone thinks this campaign is a great idea! In fact, those on the front lines standing in peaceful vigil are perhaps being cursed and hated for what God has called you to do. Because we are all fallen creatures, our natural response may not be as Christ-like as we would hope it would be.

So, how do we keep our natural response in check, while allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us to love, bless, do good, and pray for those who hate us or would do us harm?

Consider first the Holiness of God. It seems that sin has clouded our ability to think clearly about God's nature. We simply don't have a clue of how outraged God is by our sin, what an insult sin is to His person, or how sin fires the flames of His wrath. Praise God that He didn't leave us in our depravity destined for His divine wrath!

Ephesians 2:4-5 says, "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in sin, made us alive together with Christ; by grace you have been saved."

Because of God's mercy and grace towards us, we who receive Him receive eternal Hope. Those who curse you, hate you, spitefully mistreat you and persecute you need that same Hope. That is the only way we can ever expect them to behave differently. Ask the Holy Spirit to love them -- through you -- so they are drawn to the Hope that is in you, that is Christ Jesus.


Heavenly Father, may we reflect your character of grace and kindness to those who hate us and curse us. Guard our hearts and our tongues as we respond in love to words and actions meant to rile us or cause us harm. Let others see the Hope that is Christ in all we say and do. In His precious name we pray, amen.

Carmen Pate
Co-host, "Point of View" Talk Show

97 posted on 04/05/2011 4:41:11 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Today’s email from Shawn Carney:

In many communities, abortion is “out of sight, out of
mind.” People just DON’T KNOW what’s going on in their
own towns, in their own neighborhoods.

Do people in YOUR TOWN know? Here are a couple of
examples of campaigns that are getting the word out.


The 40 Days for Life vigil in front of Oakville-
Trafalgar Memorial Hospital is the first for this
Canadian community.

“Many people didn’t think that abortions occur at this
hospital,” said Louise, the local coordinator. But that
fact “has been confirmed by many people who have had an
abortion (or multiple abortions) at this hospital.”

Louise says the campaign has been very rewarding.

“Several women have told us that they regret their
abortion and others have expressed their gratitude
that they did not have an abortion because they have
a beautiful child today.”

The Oakville campaign has been featured twice in the
local newspaper. “Both coverages reflected positively
on us,” she said.

For a link to one of the news articles about 40 Days
for Life in Oakville, please go to:


Community outreach is an important part of the 40 Days
for Life effort in Anchorage.

“We had several teams canvassing the neighborhoods and
commercial buildings near the abortion facilities,” said
Haylee, the local coordinator in Anchorage.

“We would love to be able to spread out our efforts
and be able to make more people aware of the 40 Days
for Life campaign going on right now,” she added.

Haylee was interviewed by the local CBS affiliate. It
was not in their plan, she said, but it worked out.

In typical fashion, Planned Parenthood complained that
its clients were being harassed by protesters. While
Planned Parenthood was allowed its say in the interview,
the TV news report simply shows a quiet prayer vigil
and no evidence of any “harassment” whatsoever.

For a link to the video from KTVA in Anchorage (plus a
bonus photo of a dedicated volunteer praying in a snow
storm!), please go to:

Haylee asked for prayer for the Planned Parenthood
executive who appears in that news video. “She has an
office across the street and may be able to see us out
of her window. We need to be there for her.”


Another one of the blessings of this campaign is that
people simply going out to pray at their local abortion
center — whether it’s “officially” part of 40 Days for
Life or not.

Here’s one such story from the 40 Days for Life blog.

Five people went to pray outside an abortion facility —
and were permitted to see a miracle.

A young woman had arrived for an abortion appointment.
She was pretty angry when she arrived. Her boyfriend
wanted to keep the baby, but she had three children
already and said that was enough.

As she walked in, she was starting to have second
thoughts. She would look at an ultrasound, and then
make up her mind. As is often the case, one look was
all it took.

“I was going to do it,” she said, “but decided not to.”

“God is so good,” said one of the prayer volunteers.

Yes, He is!

And you know we’re going to do this again in September,
right? If you’re in one of these cities where people are
starting to pray at the abortion centers more often ...
who knows? Maybe the Lord is calling YOU to help bring
40 Days for Life to your city!

98 posted on 04/06/2011 2:39:14 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Day 29 - April 6



We pray for the grace to be strong when others ridicule or oppose us.


Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

--Luke 14:27


To stand up for what is right means we stand against what is wrong, and that means that those who love what is wrong will oppose us, just as they opposed Christ. Taking up the cross means we continue speaking and standing for the right even when that opposition comes.

We experience this, in particular, when we are out on the streets, where people are not expecting the pro-life message and where they did not go to hear it.

We must remember to never take the opposition personally. When people ridicule or yell at us, we might get a guilty feeling or be tempted to think we did something wrong. We did not. The insults are not being hurled at us personally, but rather at the truth of what we are standing for, and at the demands of the moral law.

There are many who are trying to run away from those demands, or who have managed to tuck the abortion problem away into a distant corner of their minds where it can no longer disturb them. By standing publicly for the cause of life, we have short-circuited that denial and frustrated those efforts to ignore the issue. Therefore, some will be angry, perhaps not fully realizing why.


Lord, thank you for the grace of being pro-life, and of standing strong when others may ridicule or oppose me. During this 40 Day campaign, may your peace fill my soul, especially when I may endure the opposition of others, and may I become more like your crucified and risen Son. Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life and President, National Pro-life Religious Council

99 posted on 04/06/2011 2:47:38 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All

Shawn Carney’s email for today:

As I’ve traveled to 40 Days for Life vigils this year,
I’ve seen more and more priests, pastors and clergy
than ever before!

It is VERY encouraging to see our clergy leading by
example — especially when it can be unpopular.

I want to thank all the pastors who’ve taken the time
to encourage their congregations to pray for an end to
abortion — and even gone out to the abortion centers


The Knights of Columbus in Alabama sent along a photo
of the 40 Days for Life vigil in Huntsville.

The picture shows Bishop David Foley leading the prayers
— in the pouring rain — as he and other participants
huddled under their umbrellas. Bishop Foley said he’d
be back to pray again ... and the Knights are praying
for better weather next time.

“Let’s keep the momentum going,” said Jim, on behalf of
the Knights of Columbus in Alabama, “and continue to
support our clergy as they lead us in peaceful prayer
to save the lives of the most innocent among us — the
babes in their mothers’ wombs — and help save the
mother from the trauma of abortion!”

To see the photo of the Huntsville 40 Days for Life
vigil, please go to:


The 40 Days for Life team in North Seattle had some
company recently — a couple of young men with a sign
that said “Honk 4 Freedom.” One of the guys was wearing
an American flag as a cape.

Patriots? Well, not exactly.

“These men are apparently trying to wrap their message
about the ‘freedom’ to choose abortion in the good
freedoms of America,” said Della, the 40 Days for Life
coordinator. “Many who honked probably did so out of
love of country, not even knowing the men were seeking
support for abortion.”

Periodically, after a loud series of honks, they would
yell, “Haven’t you heard enough? Go home, losers!”

“It seems they think our pro-life beliefs are based on
what everyone else thinks,” Della said. “They call us
losers because they think we lost the popularity contest.”

Still, she said, the prayer team’s efforts are noticed
and appreciated. A man arrived at the vigil with a jug
of hot coffee and a dozen pastries. “He said he’d been
seeing us there day after day,” Della said. “He said he
could not do what we do, but he was thankful we are
there and wanted to encourage us.”

To see some photos of the North Seattle vigil, please
go to:

“Our vigil in North Seattle brings Bible-believing
people of many faiths and religious practices together
to pray at one sad site where abortions occur,” said
Della. “We are individuals from many faiths, including
Calvary Fellowship, Mars Hill, Presbyterian, Foursquare,
Lutheran, Baptist and Catholic churches.”


I recently had an opportunity to pray with the 40 Days
for Life team at their vigil site in Manassas, Virginia.

While we were praying, we were visited by a news team
from the Christian Broadcasting Network. They produced
a short feature on the campaign for The 700 Club and
other CBN programs.

Since some media reports haven’t presented an accurate
representation of what 40 Days for Life is all about,
this coverage was most welcome indeed!

For a link to the CBN video, please go to:

100 posted on 04/07/2011 6:08:06 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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