I never said it was only a Catholic problem. Nobody ever denied it. We recognize that it happens in almost any situation and that it is impossible to prevent. People who will do evil will find way to do so, no matter what safeguards are in place.
The problem is the way that the Catholic church handled, or rather didn’t handle, the priests it knew were molesting children.
Any church, school, or organization which doesn’t address the issue when it comes to light, or who gives people who do things like this a pass, or works to protect them, is WRONG.
Any church is more culpable as it has Scripture to set the standards. Churches take the high moral ground, claiming to be representatives of Christ, or God, here on earth. For that reason it’s more abominable when a church tries to cover stuff like this up instead of dealing with in in the appropriate Biblical manner.
It’s the height of hypocrisy for the Catholic church to put itself forth as champions for the unborn and then turn its collective clergy back on the born and not protect them, who cannot protect themselves. To condemn homosexuality and be rife with practicing homosexual priests who prey on the children they are to nurture and raise in the faith.
The Catholic church should have dealt with it so that when it came to light, they could go to the civil authorities and demonstrate that it was dealt with promptly and decisively, that the civil authorities would have nothing to do in those cases.
Considering that it is more than apparent enough that the Catholic church took virtually NO action to address the problem until people had enough and went public with it, indicates that it is not serious about or interested in dealing with the corruption and perversion of its own clergy.
It therefore has no one but itself to blame for all the criticism and bad publicity that it has brought on itself. No one can be rightly condemned for not believing that the Catholic church is taking the matter seriously in light of the inaction of the hierarchy in relation to this mess.
Well said.