You speak of freedom of religion in your post as well as indicate some belief in God though no specifics of what faith that stems from. But let us take that as a basis to work from here.
For Christians defending the faith and saving souls are two of our greatest tasks. Sadly many modern American Christians have fallen into the Oprah Winfrey “all paths are valid” school and are very quick to worry about offending people.
What makes this odd is that as followers of the Christian faith they know the fate that befalls those outside the fold yet even while in the same breath calling them “good people” or “friends” they are “loving” them into eternal darkness.
I am glad I was not shown such love.
Kevin, as people of faith we know the consequence of not being faithful, of being on the wrong path. Eternal death is the same be it from a Muslim hand or a Mormon Book.
Yes Muslims are more deadly to the physical body than the LDS, but so are buses, heart attacks and random shootings. But again, as people of faith we know this world is not the end, but a critical point on a journey, the point we decide how far we go and how that journey will continue, in the light or in the darkness.
One other point specific to the LDS. As Christians we are commanded to defend the faith. I will not bore you with the instruction, the scriptures straight from the Bible, they have been posted many times. The LDS is a DIRECT assault on the Christian faith. Jews don't pretend to be Christians to gain converts, Muslims don't put Christ's name on their Mosques to lure in the unwitting.
Your “Christians acting like Muslims” is quaint hyperbole but little else, and has no bearing or resemblance to what is being done here and else where in defeating the false teachings of not just the LDS, but of other cults as well.
You speak of “religious freedom” yet while you will not find a SINGLE instance where any one of us has by force or coercion stopped a Mormon from being a Mormon, from entering their temple or practicing their faith etc. YOU want Christians to stop practicing what we hold dear and what our faith demands, none of which blows up a building, cuts off a head or any such nonsense that even remotely resembles “acting Muslim”.
Interesting dichotomy.
Excellent post that explicitly contradicts Kevin's generic hyperbole.