Sorry. :) I’m a little irritated with the blatant hypocrisy.
Its understandable. Just remember that the attacks on the Church are not made for any altruistic purposes or out of a desire to "save" anyone's soul from a Papist hell, they are done for sport. Were that the case we would see some legitimate efforts to engage in a proper discussion and see some sympathetic postings.
What we are experiencing is a modern day derivative of bear-baiting; Catholic-baiting. Bear-baiting was popular in Protestant England until well into the the 19th century and is akin to dog fighting and cock fighting, but without any hope of victory for the bear. Typically, arenas for this spectacle consisted of a circular high-fenced area, the "pit", with raised seating for spectators around the perimeter. A post would be set in the ground in the pit and the bear chained to it. A number of fighting or hunting dogs would then be set on it, being replaced as they tired or were wounded or killed.
Denied this passion by humanitarian laws the good "anti-Catholic" folks now attempt to construct engagements with the Catholics figuratively chained to a post by forum rules and sympathetic moderators.
Unlike merry olde England, sometimes the bears win causing a great deal of consternation among the Protestant dogs and their sympathizers.