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To: Netizen
" Yes, the Jews have no idea about their own history and religion, it was all a forshadowing for Christianity. "

Why then ? if you already knew that , why your response to Psalm 2 ? ( " You are aware that Christianity didn't even exist at the time the Psalm was written, right? Heathen meant anyone not of the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which we know today as Judaism. " ) ....

Come on man, GOD loves you !
The OLD Testament was not only GOD's dealings with the Nation of Israel, but, the whole world.
Did not GOD say to Abraham that " through you, that all the Nations of the world will be blessed " ?

Look at the story of the life of Joseph.
That story of Joseph shows us the heart of GOD.
GOD's heart towards the Nation of Israel, and us sinners, the whole world.
They captured Joseph and put him in the pit to be sold ( Judas basically sold Jesus to the Pharisees for 30 pieces of silver ).
Joseph was innocent of wrong doing when he was falsely accused of wrong doing ( Jesus was falsely accused ) .
Just like Joseph, was not Jesus lead to judgment and prison ?
Joseph was put in power 2nd in command in Egypt, Jesus is the 2nd person of the GOD head.
The first time Joseph was on the throne, and his brothers saw him, they only saw him as 2nd in command of Egypt, they feared him ( God of the Old Testament )
Joseph yearned , his heart cried out with a bursting heart that his brothers would know him.
God's heart cries out, he yearned that not only Israel, but, the whole world will know his plan of redemption, his love, his mercy, his grace, God's heart cries out, he yearns that we should know HIM !
Jesus cried out to Israel that they would know him the first time he came.
( Christians are the benefactors of knowing this " TRUTH " , the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at this present time )....
The 2nd time his brothers saw him, he revealed who he was, and all of them were reconciled with their brother Joseph.
The 2nd time Jesus comes back , their eyes will be opened and they will see whom they have pierced.

Yes, God is a HOLY and Righteous GOD, but, there is more to him.
In the Old Testament, God's heart was bursting to show us his love and mercy,
God was yearning to reveal the fullness of all that he is.
In the fullness of time Jesus Christ came on the world scene.
Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah is GOD's full expression of his love, mercy, grace and truth ( for Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ )

IF !

If ? it was possible for man to keep all of GOD's law perfectly ?
why then ?
Did God require Israel to come every year with a sin sacrifice ?
GOD was showing man that it was impossible that man can live up to GOD's strict laws, demands, and standards and that in the fullness of time: ( just like GOD said to Abraham when he took his son Issac up on the mountain )
that HE !
that GOD would provide the sacrifice, Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah.
Jesus said, with man ? it is IMPOSSIBLE, but, with GOD ? nothing is impossible.

The Old Testament is a historical record of GOD's dealings with Israel, and the rest of the world.
The Old Testament is a beautiful reminder of all the things that is to come, the Old Testament points us to Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah.
The Old Testament is a testament ( hence, the word, Testament ) of how GOD created man to be loved, and cared for, but, man messed up, but GOD didn't give up on man.
The Old Testament points up to a NEW and BETTER new everlasting Covenant that GOD initiated that will be put into force and estabished, and ratified in Jesus Christ.
The NEW Covenant is the everlasting covenant of GOD of the covenant of Grace.
6 posted on 01/22/2011 5:15:51 PM PST by American Constitutionalist (The fool has said in his heart, " there is no GOD " ..)
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To: American Constitutionalist

I think that was an excellent point you made in response to the Tanakh...

The one that I find so profound has to do with the woman caught in Adultery..

Adultery was a Capital Crime in the Old testament.
Lev 20:10
The Mosaic law was very tough on crimes against people, relationships, and the family unit...

The religious leaders thought they could trip Jesus up on the Law, when they brought the woman caught in the Act of Adultery to him....

The scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him.

But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?


21 posted on 01/23/2011 4:02:19 PM PST by TaraP (An APPEASER is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last)
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To: American Constitutionalist
For anyone to reject the Gospel of Grace in Christ Jesus, it is " SIN " in God's eyes.

No it isnt. There is not one scripture in all of Tanakh (OT) that says that you have to have faith in messiah and if you dont, it is a sin. NOT ONE. Why is that? Because when the messiah comes it will be so obvious, that it will take NO FAITH. We are to believe in G-d and Him only.

Did not GOD say to Abraham that " through you, that all the Nations of the world will be blessed " ?

Yes, and this has nothing to do with the man from Nazareth. It is the Jewish people that will be a light unto the nations, and those who bless Israel shall be blessed.

Look at the story of the life of Joseph.

Your comparison is meaningless and proves nothing. You only make this type of comparison because Jesus failed to meet the scriptural requirements of messiah.

They captured Joseph and put him in the pit to be sold ( Judas basically sold Jesus to the Pharisees for 30 pieces of silver ).

This is no comaprison at all. Joseph was sold into slavery for 20 sheckels. Was Jesus sold into slavery? No. Joseph had done no wrong. Jesus was seditious in the eyes of the Romans (guilty if he had been the messiah) and was accused of blasphemy by the Jews and he was guilty of that, per Deut 13 and 18.

Joseph was put in power 2nd in command in Egypt, Jesus is the 2nd person of the GOD head.

Heretical teaching. G-d is one, not 3-in-1. G-d has gone out of his way to tell us of His singular unity. 2nd in command of Egypt is in no way like being G-d. Sheesh.

... they feared him ( God of the Old Testament )

Another red herring of the church. That G-d somehow is big meany in the OT while offers Grace and Love in the NT. G-d has been comsistent thought out the Tanakh(OT), He has always offered His grace and love to us. Read Psalm 119. 176 verses of David extoling G-ds love and the beauty of His law. In addition to Psalms, Isaiah reveals G-ds mercy: Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

How is that not grace? G-d has ALWAYS "saved" us by His grace. That is not a "new" thing. There is no gospel required to obtain it. The Gentiles have always had Genesis 9 and the seven laws of Noah. The Jews have had the law and gentiles have always been able to convert in. No new gospel required.

The 2nd time Jesus comes back , their eyes will be opened and they will see whom they have pierced.

He isnt returning. And he is not the person described in Zech 12:10. That is a Jewish military leader who will be killed in battle in a future war that has not happened.

God was yearning to reveal the fullness of all that he is.

G-d revealed His entire nature in the Tanakh(OT). Certainly at Sinai, during His national revelation, had he had two other people in His nature he would have said so then and there. He didnt. He said He was One. He would not give the Law at Sinai, tell us we can do it and then 1500 years later say....sorry! That was just to prove you couldnt do it. To show you your sin. So, I lied when I told you you could do it (Deut 30)I am going to kill my son, who is really me (Human sacrifice is forbidden) and you must believe in him or else!

Does that sound like a loving G-d? One who who to us and be deceptive about his nature? Of course not.

If ? it was possible for man to keep all of GOD's law perfectly ?

We were never intended to keep the Law perfect. That is when G-d gives us means of forgiveness for our sin. Prayer, repentance, charity and fasting are all acceptable (And preferred) means of forgiveness. Lev 17:11 doesnt say that blood sacrifice is the ONLY means of atonement. Lev 5:11

that GOD would provide the sacrifice, Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah

Wrong! G-d provided a Ram to Abraham. It was only a test to see if Abraham FEARED G-d. He Did. Abraham had FAITH that G-d would provide an animal. Abraham passed the test. Human sacrifice is FORBIDDEN.

The Old Testament points up to a NEW and BETTER new everlasting Covenant that GOD initiated that will be put into force and estabished, and ratified in Jesus Christ.

Wrong! The tanakh points to HaShem, G-d and Him only. Reread Jeremiah 31:31. New Covenant does NOT mean new Law or new Torah. No Law of messiah. That is a heretical teaching of Paul. The Tanakh clearly states that in the messianic era, the Temple will be rebuilt, the Law is in place, Sin sacrifices return, the preisthood returns and the gentiles will comes to Jerusalem (Uncircumsized will not be allowed in the temple) to learn the Law (Isaiah 2:3) and they will admit that they have inherited lies all this time (Jer 16:19) and the Jews will keep G-ds law,statutes and commandments, forever.

Christianity to us is like mormonism to you. A heretical sect.

22 posted on 01/23/2011 5:08:10 PM PST by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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To: American Constitutionalist; Netizen
For anyone to reject the Gospel of Grace in Christ Jesus, it is " SIN " in God's eyes.

No it isnt. There is not one scripture in all of Tanakh (OT) that says that you have to have faith in messiah and if you dont, it is a sin. NOT ONE. Why is that? Because when the messiah comes it will be so obvious, that it will take NO FAITH. We are to believe in G-d and Him only.

Did not GOD say to Abraham that " through you, that all the Nations of the world will be blessed " ?

Yes, and this has nothing to do with the man from Nazareth. It is the Jewish people that will be a light unto the nations, and those who bless Israel shall be blessed.

Look at the story of the life of Joseph.

Your comparison is meaningless and proves nothing. You only make this type of comparison because Jesus failed to meet the scriptural requirements of messiah.

They captured Joseph and put him in the pit to be sold ( Judas basically sold Jesus to the Pharisees for 30 pieces of silver ).

This is no comaprison at all. Joseph was sold into slavery for 20 sheckels. Was Jesus sold into slavery? No. Joseph had done no wrong. Jesus was seditious in the eyes of the Romans (guilty if he had been the messiah) and was accused of blasphemy by the Jews and he was guilty of that, per Deut 13 and 18.

Joseph was put in power 2nd in command in Egypt, Jesus is the 2nd person of the GOD head.

Heretical teaching. G-d is one, not 3-in-1. G-d has gone out of his way to tell us of His singular unity. 2nd in command of Egypt is in no way like being G-d. Sheesh.

... they feared him ( God of the Old Testament )

Another red herring of the church. That G-d somehow is big meany in the OT while offers Grace and Love in the NT. G-d has been comsistent thought out the Tanakh(OT), He has always offered His grace and love to us. Read Psalm 119. 176 verses of David extoling G-ds love and the beauty of His law. In addition to Psalms, Isaiah reveals G-ds mercy: Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

How is that not grace? G-d has ALWAYS "saved" us by His grace. That is not a "new" thing. There is no gospel required to obtain it. The Gentiles have always had Genesis 9 and the seven laws of Noah. The Jews have had the law and gentiles have always been able to convert in. No new gospel required.

The 2nd time Jesus comes back , their eyes will be opened and they will see whom they have pierced.

He isnt returning. And he is not the person described in Zech 12:10. That is a Jewish military leader who will be killed in battle in a future war that has not happened.

God was yearning to reveal the fullness of all that he is.

G-d revealed His entire nature in the Tanakh(OT). Certainly at Sinai, during His national revelation, had he had two other people in His nature he would have said so then and there. He didnt. He said He was One. He would not give the Law at Sinai, tell us we can do it and then 1500 years later say....sorry! That was just to prove you couldnt do it. To show you your sin. So, I lied when I told you you could do it (Deut 30)I am going to kill my son, who is really me (Human sacrifice is forbidden) and you must believe in him or else!

Does that sound like a loving G-d? One who who to us and be deceptive about his nature? Of course not.

If ? it was possible for man to keep all of GOD's law perfectly ?

We were never intended to keep the Law perfect. That is when G-d gives us means of forgiveness for our sin. Prayer, repentance, charity and fasting are all acceptable (And preferred) means of forgiveness. Lev 17:11 doesnt say that blood sacrifice is the ONLY means of atonement. Lev 5:11

that GOD would provide the sacrifice, Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah

Wrong! G-d provided a Ram to Abraham. It was only a test to see if Abraham FEARED G-d. He Did. Abraham had FAITH that G-d would provide an animal. Abraham passed the test. Human sacrifice is FORBIDDEN.

The Old Testament points up to a NEW and BETTER new everlasting Covenant that GOD initiated that will be put into force and estabished, and ratified in Jesus Christ.

Wrong! The tanakh points to HaShem, G-d and Him only. Reread Jeremiah 31:31. New Covenant does NOT mean new Law or new Torah. No Law of messiah. That is a heretical teaching of Paul. The Tanakh clearly states that in the messianic era, the Temple will be rebuilt, the Law is in place, Sin sacrifices return, the preisthood returns and the gentiles will comes to Jerusalem (Uncircumsized will not be allowed in the temple) to learn the Law (Isaiah 2:3) and they will admit that they have inherited lies all this time (Jer 16:19) and the Jews will keep G-ds law,statutes and commandments, forever.

Christianity to us is like mormonism to you. A heretical sect.

23 posted on 01/23/2011 5:08:56 PM PST by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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