Where? Chapter and verse?
So, you think that Paul's theology is an accurate representation of the Catholic church's? That he wasn't a kook or a loon, or any such pejorative?
i’ve given you the verse before, but you don’t believe it, even though it’s from the KJV!
2 Thessalonians 2:15, let’s read it all together,
“So then brethern, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter”
End of discussion —— The Church has held these traditions because they received them from the Apostles and were instructed to!! It would be going against Scripture to drop them!! Does St. Paul say “ do not believe any teaching unless i or another Apostles writes it down first” NO, NO, NO, a 1,000 times NO. But, there are those that follow the 16th century tradition of men. I’ll stick with St. Paul!
Absolutely St Paul’s theology is an accurate teaching of the Catholic Church’s!!! That’s why we proclaim him a saint and a martyr and placed all his surviving Epistles in the canon of Scripture. The Church only approved those books whose theology matched what was accepted Catholic doctrine received from the Apostles, one of whom was St Paul. You claim to love the Bible, you really should study how the Church determined the canon of Scripture, but i need to warn you first, you will find the word “Tradition” in the story!!
Paul is a pillar of Catholic faith. The kooks and loons are those who follow a distorted interpretation of Paul's words and have sought to usurp the primacy of the Word of Christ with Paul's Gospel.