I had always thought that God was "All Powerful" but this author seems to be telling us that God is powerless. That despite all of God's efforts he is unable to save some of his creatures from their own fallen nature. That man's own fallen will is more powerful than God's ability to mold their will to his.
Amen. Once the "click" goes off in our heads that God is really, truly sovereign over all He has created, and that He is not a careless nor imprecise Lord, but an omnipotent owner of everything, including who we are and what we do and why we do it, life is never the same. Our perspective turns from us and our inabilities to God alone and His perfect ability to bring about exactly what He has ordained from the foundation of the world.
"All glory to God" really means "all."
When I finally understood that (as Harleyd once said) the Bible makes perfect sense and life is "knowable" for the first time.
"For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?" -- 1 Corinthians 4:7
All this "me-ism" is a hold-over from Rome. "I decide my fate; I perform my good works; I choose wisely."
In fact, the "choice" is God's and we, as believers, respond in gratitude for His free gift of grace and in glory for the only "name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12.)
First of all.. you got to read the whole post before you start tearing it done.. lol
My friend... Some thing doesn’t click with you... you have all those good web sites on your FR page.. (The most beloved of all Dr. McGee) and you are as ignorant of the Scriptures as any one I have ever seen. My friend you need to read more of God’s Word, study it and believe it. Then you might get saved. I’m dead serious and I am not being a wise guy, sarcastic or malicious. God as my witness.
Friend, Read John 1:12, 3:16-17... Very carefully... and see who must CHOOSE to believe, to be saved and to receive the Savior. It’s one personal choice. That is the one thing that Almighty God will NEVER do! Force any one into Heaven. We are not robots but made in the image of God. I will, I ought, I choose.
God help you son .