The Catholic church claims the moral and spiritual high ground as representatives of Christ on earth.
They’d BETTER be cleaning up the filth. I couldn’t see Jesus excusing that kind of behavior.
Society has these problems as well because the church has failed them.
Whatever stones you cast at society can be cast at your own church until and unless it takes determined and decisive action in regard to the moral problems of its priests.
Catholics are great about pointing fingers and saying *Yeah but...... What about _______?* and it’s totally irrelevant what the rest of the world does. The Church is supposed to SET the standard for moral behavior, not follow it.
Well guess what, Sparky?
The Church has and continues to take such action.
That protestants can't or won't see it, or that protestants don't agree with some of the actions is simply NOT OUR PROBLEM. It's yours. Fix it.
Good day.