Mass is not meant to be a Bible study, and it's not a "sermon sandwich." Most healthy parishes have Bible studies going on, adult religious ed, etc. There are also some very fine audio Bible studies (college-level stuff) by Scott Hahn and others.
Mass is worship. If you're used to an evangelical service, it's no wonder it seems like "80% ritual". It's really "100% prayer". Good liturgy is supposed to be like a visit to heaven. You're there to pray, not so much to learn (in the sense of "acquire information").
In fact, I know of few Catholics who read their bible
Bible reading is strongly encouraged by the church. Maybe the Catholics you know simply aren't being obedient to the teachings of their faith. That's not really the Church's fault, is it?
let alone carry one to church
OTOH, there's not much reason to carry a Bible to Mass, since the readings are in the Missal, already excerpted so you don't have to flip pages to find them. (And yes, the chapter-and-verse citations are there, too, if you want to look up the context.)
I have encountered many Catholics in my life. Most are family but I also have many friends that are Catholic. I know them and their lives intimately. From my life experience I can tell you unequivocally that most Catholics DO NOT read or study the bible.
I appreciate what you are saying with regard to worship however I maintain that it is 20% biblical and 80% ritual.
Just the other night my brother-in-law was telling me about how they knew when to stand or sit during Christmas mass based on the ringing of the bell, etc...
It’s simply not biblical.