(UB, how do you handle your own social cook-outs in Utah? Do you delegate the BBquing?)
We have lots of volunteers to help. Sometimes it is Dutch Ovens, sometimes the local restaurants let us use their ovens to do the very fine approach to several filets of beef. Last August we fed 250 people on our front meadow.
We have a fabulous development director that organizes everything.
Me? I just stand back and watch! This spring a very famous chef, David Jones, is coming to do a special evening for about twenty five of our favorite friends and foundation underwriters. He is the co-owner of Log Haven in the Salt Lake area.
When Colorcountry comes for a visit I use my own approach to something special on a gas grill on the patio. With Elsie, he is always in such a hurry to go find a campground to sleep in a tent, that all he usually gets is a cup of coffee. I never understood sleeping in a tent when the bunkhouse that Ansel Adams used in the forties and fifties is available. We even have running water! LOL It's the irrigation ditch.
I have invited Resty to come and get a feeling for God's country but alas, she never made a decision about that. Reaganaut was going to stop in last year, but her travel plans changed at the last minute.
Come on down! Sunrise Services every Sunday morning. We even now have our baby grand piano in the headwquarters building.