I don’t remember (I am getting old) calling you bigoted and hateful. I really do like most of my Protestant and Catholic friends. And I have heard it from my Protestant friends that I am deceived. Is what your saying about us somehow new? I think I have heard it all before. You did call me a liar though. I hope that was invigorating for you. Oh, I guess I fit the definition of liar because I did not notice some of the quotes were from the 20th century. Bad me.
You did not personally call me a bigot, that is correct (at least on this thread). My comments to that affect are general, as in relation to all Mormons who seem to hurl out the ‘bigot’ insult to those who critique Mormonism as often as Obamanites hurl the ‘racist’ charge to those who critique Obama. Its really getting comical.
Personally I think you should listen to your friends. Someday you’ll wish you had but by then it’ll be too late. And yes I called you a liar, because I believe you demonstrated that you are one. As I correctly pointed out what you believe wasn’t just a 19th century phenomenon as you would like us non-mormons to believe - pretty much all of those strange doctrines taught in the 19th c. are in fact still taught today, including the ‘you can be gods’ part. So to make a protest about ‘political correctness’ and ‘views changing’ and ‘19th century quotes’ blah blah is pretty much dishonest, and its definitely disingenuous.
And your comments to ‘we allow people to worship as they see fit’ all at the same time sending out the missionaries does not do that. Yeah, we can say no, but you can stay home can’t you? But you don’t. So....again disingenuous at best. If you truly allowed people to worship as they see fit you would not be trying to convert them.....case closed.
Its this stuff that angers me the most about Mormons. The deliberate deceit, especially when trying to win over new converts. Its deplorable and pathetic. You have a different doctrine, oh yeah, not only different but false. That’s fine if you want to follow after a false prophet thats your business. But when seeking to convert someone at least tell them the truth - stop hiding the “we can be gods” doctrines, or “Jesus is a brother to Lucifer” doctrines, and so on. Be up front about it all instead of trying to hide it under a rug. That’s what I object to - THE DECEIT. Jesus never operated through lying. But Satan does. That should be a big ole red flag clue that something in the LDS isn’t right.