I like this one.
Though I grew up Baptist (general baptist) and now attend a non denominational church (an in your face, this is what the word says, take it or leave it)
I have friends who are pentecostal and celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving an Christmas with them. It is an absolute joy to celebrate these holidays with them, as one they ARE like family, but also the joy over the holidays and what they represent is real.
Perry Stone is one of my favorite people on TV to watch, and when I see Manna Fest is going to be on I usually put it on. Which means I hear most of his messages oover the course of a few weeks, twice at the minimum, but on average 3 times sometimes 4. Because of Perry and his teachings about ancient Israel, history, and traditions, I have an interest to know MORE about our Jewish roots. To understand the Jewish holidays that God set forth. To understand more of the ancient traditions to better understand what and why the Bible says what it says.
James Robison is someone I have recently gotten to enjoy more. I think I RESPECT him more than any of the other "charismatic" preachers. There is someone who seems very humble.
Of course, there are some charismatic preachers on tv who I can't change the channel fast enough. But then there are some non charismatics I feel the same way about.
My prayer is that God would lead me and fill me and show me HIS way. I have no interest in MANS knowledge.
That should be all our prayers. I remember the first time I went to a nondenominational church from a Southern Baptist tradition (after I was won to Jesus from Catholicism). There were some members who were very "charismatic" leaning, but the pastor was a by-the-Bible teacher and did not allow them to speak in their "tongues" during the service though many also raised their hands in praise. I was adamant that I was not going to be counted among them since I did not believe that tongues were for today.
It took many months but the more God touched my heart with the worship music the more I understood the desire to raise my hands in worship. The first time I did it, it was only one hand, down low, so people couldn't see. I did not want to draw attention to myself. We would sing
"I stand I stand in awe of you.
I stand I stand in awe of you.
Holy God to whom all praise is due.
I stand in awe of you."
and slowly God showed me how freeing and liberating it was to just lift up my hands to him in adoration and worship. I stopped caring what others might think and I went away feeling so blessed to be able to praise the Lord together with others who loved him as much and more than I did.
We each have to answer to God. We have his word to show us the truth. We have his Holy Spirit to illuminate his words to us and we have each other to share and rejoice in his goodness towards us.