That's strange. Jesus Christ lives today, and you can easily talk to people who have been transformed by our Lord's vibrant, exuberant, and redemptive personality. All of "life, the universe, and everything" can be understood and appreciated when viewed through the lens of this one man's biography. The redeemed of the Lord experience great gladness in knowing that their sins are atoned for, that new birth / new life is possible, that God is present among us today, that the Eternal has intruded into time through Jesus of Nazareth, and continues to do so into our lives through that same Person. Our God is good, He has made Himself known, and life is deeply significant because of Jesus.
Jewish folks do a lot of overcompensating, since the most important event in all of recorded history happened in their back yard, on their watch -- and most of them missed it. Were asleep at the switch. To their eternal loss.
But they don't need to remain outside the party, in the cold with their noses pressed against the plate glass window. They got the first invitation, the first Christians were Jewish, and the invitation is still good. The founding pastor of my church is a Jewish man who got the point, and got with the program.
Come on in, the water's fine! We all (well, almost all of us) wish you well, for this life and for eternity.
Christianity is only heretical if practiced by a Jew. Otherwise it is just avodah zarah, worship not commanded by God.