“There does not need to be a list because most,if not all is contained in the Catechism so that everyone can understand it easily.”
Yes. I have the new Catholic Catechism, all 803 pages of it. In fact, I have two of them. “Understand it easily” is not, however, a thought that leaps immediately to mind as one tries to use it. Don’t get me wrong, long and complicated things are some times necessary, and often even enjoyable to work through. But a catechism of 803 pages? Luke, who wrote the first catechism (see Luke 1:4 where the word is first used in the Christian church, albeit in verbal form rather than as a noun), accomplished infinitely more in many fewer, less (shall we say) tendentious pages.
Even the Large Catechism of Martin Luther runs to only about one tenth the size of the Catholic Catechism. Truth is usually pretty easy to state simply and briefly. His Small Catechism is less than one hundredth the size of the Catholic Catechism.
Well,dear brother- That is what good catechism teachers are for.It's really not that difficult to understand how to live out the faith and everyone does not have to be a theologian either