To: mas cerveza por favor; smvoice; Quix
I just want to thank you, Quix, for posting the hilarious donkey picture.
The picture may have been mildly amusing the first time it was posted but after 10,000 repetitions, it gets a bit stale. Quix is like a little kid who made one funny joke but then goes on to repeat it ad nauseum. I have three observations:
1. Stop telling jokes which prompt his horse laugh.
2. Newbies don't make the rules.
3. The thin skinned don't belong on an open forum.
2,095 posted on
11/15/2010 2:29:20 PM PST by
(I am a Biblical Unitarian?)
1. Stop telling jokes which prompt his horse laugh.
2. Newbies don’t make the rules.
3. The thin skinned don’t belong on an open forum.
Now now.
Asking for the voice of logic and sanity to reign in rabid clique RC posting is asking for a bit much ain’t it?
Goodness. They’d lose their distinctiveness.
2,109 posted on
11/15/2010 3:09:06 PM PST by
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