annalex wrote:
“Indeed, works done for compensation do not save. Works of self-denial done for the love of God and the neighbor save.”
I can just imagine one of the experts in the law putting this formula to Jesus ...
I can just imagine one of the Galatians arguing this point with Paul ...
What you have said here is simply New Testament pharisaism. How unutterably sad.
With that you seem to disagree and feel saddened, and call me pharisaic and can't imagine Jesus and St. Paulwould be startled by the formula.
Yet in Matthew 5-7 and in Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus says the same thing I say. In Roamns 2:6-10 St. Paul says the same thing also. People are judged by their works of self-denial and charity. Those who do them are saved, those who do not are condemned.
Scripture saddens you?