A bipolar Hollywood alcoholic that falls off the wagon one night (the worst drunk one can have) by drinking straight tequila, is under siege by Jews for his Christian movie, and is stopped by a hostile Jewish deputy (that released the tapes, and later sued LA county for anti-Jewish discrimination) in Malibu while sucking on a bottle of Tequila and driving 42 miles over the speed limit, and he blurts out some anti Jewish insults.
You must not have spent much time around bipolar people, or alcoholics, or both, in your time, that is pretty mild stuff, I would like to see what you say on a full fledged Tequila drunk.
The guy is a wack job with a Holocaust denying father who “never lied to (him)”, and with big wack job conspiracy theories involving Jews starting all wars floating about his Tequila soaked brain.
But it wasn't the Tequila that MADE those things be inside Mel, it just lubricated their release from the fetid depths of his deeply disturbed mind.