If you have yellow/brown you tend to be red haired with semi-bushy eyebrows, and translucent or freckled skin. You may have blue, green, or "hazel" (that's the other stuff) eyes.
There are maybe 200 million lucky people with the yellow/brown pigment. Another 6 billion are burdened with the black/brown stuff ~ poor dears!
Now, who are the mutants?
Let's leap ahead to other mutations ~ NON BI POLAR may be the mutation. Like NON AUTISTIC may be another one.
Color is readily overcome with the use of skin bleaches. There is no fix for bipolar disorder.
World population is 25% white, 60% asian, 13% black and a smattering of other types. Take your perceived aggrieved status and stuff it. Keep playing that race card, how's that working out for you?
Start with Lithium.
>>There is no fix for bipolar disorder.<<
There’s a lot of money top be made treating it though. Get in line!