Oh my, I don’t have near enough popcorn for this thread! You might ask the same question about the ‘pre-existence council of gods who decdied that the plan Jesus offered was better than the plan his borther Lucifer offered’ ... a notion fundamental to Mormonism, that the leadership has only recently begun trying to hide from public scrutiny.
Wow - part of that sounds very similar to the rituals of a certain fraternal organization I have heard a lot about.
I thought you said mormons didn't do that to Christians DU? Or is this a case where it is ok because mormons do (did) it in the temple and since they are the only true church (all others being false) they were permitted to get away with it.
In what way are they using to hide this?
From the readings here it remains absolutely amazing Mormon leadership spends more time covering “hiding” what is done and what they plan to do then letting their own memebership know what is going on and why. But then they do have much to hide which would never be acceptable to people if they were told from the beginning.