[ I do Genealogy and the LDS website has a lot of information on it. I began to notice that a lot of my family tree was listed there. I’m talking even my father who died 8 years ago. All of this information was submitted by a person no one in the family knows. Seriously, someone told me that the Mormons keep excellent genealogy records because they believe we are all LDS and related and that they can rebaptise all of us after death, which they have done to those in the genealogy registry. Is this true? The Catholic half of my family and the baptist/congregational/Methodist other side would not be happy if in the after life the found out they were rebaptised as Mormons! Trust me, my father might even get thrown out of heaven by his reaction! I have nothing against Mormons but don’t like this practice if true. ]
One good thing about this is after civilisation falls they will have records of such things.....
Yes, it's true. They re-baptize non-Mormons by what they call "proxy" -- somebody else vicariously receiving the Mormon baptism in the hidden Mormon temple religious ceremonies.
The occultic theme is prominently connected re: the Mormon temple and its baptizing dead people. A follow-up Lds "prophet" -- Joseph F. Smith -- claimed over 90 years ago years ago this month to see the hosts of the dead, both small and great...an innumerable company of the spirits of the just (D&C 138:11-12) -- and these spirits were just waiting for Mormon missionaries to come their way to be redeemed via such re-baptizing...
JF Smith said that the Mormon jesus had prepared "the faithful spirits of the prophets who had testified of him in the flesh; That they might carry the message of redemption unto all the dead, unto whom he could not go personally, because of their rebellion and transgression, that they through the ministration of his servants might also hear his words. (D&C 138:37-38)
These demonic manifestations seem to love October...when JF Smith received them and treated them as ghostly spirits...
And then almost 50 years later, the Mormon church decided Smith's manifestations was on the same level as "scripture" -- so they added it to their "scripture" book.