Prayers up.
Notre père, qui êtes aux cieux!
Que votre nom soit sanctificié. Que votre règne vienne.
Que votre volonté soit faite, sur la terre comme au ciel.
Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre poindre ce jour.
Pardonnez-nous nos offenses, comme nous pardonnons aussi a ceux, qui nous ont offensés,
et ne nous soumetez pas à la tentation, mais délivrez-nous du mal.
Car c'est à toi qu'appartiènne, le régne, la puissance et la gloire, pour les siècles des siècles.
Je vous salue, Marie, pleine de grâces,
le Seigneur est avec vous, vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes,
et Jésus le fruit de vos entrailles est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l'heure de notre mort. Ainsi-soit-il.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
Gracious God, we ask Thee humbly, please send Thy healing grace to Thy suffering servants Emily and Walter Isiah and also comfort their parents Walter and Amber, who have no recouse but to Thee.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, amen.
Many, many prayers will be offered for this young couple and their children. May God bless and protect them all.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, please bless and help these suffering people.
Prayers for Walter, Amber and children.
Prayers that God will meet all their needs.
Prayers for healing, peace, provision and courage.
Prayers for this young couple and their children.
Praying from here. Thanks for letting us know.
Prayers up.
Prayers for the family.
May Almighty God surround this couple and their children with His angels to keep them safe, and provide all they need. I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Fervent prayers up for this entire family.
God is truly testing them. Many prayers up to them.
in my prayers.
The nesson procedure to stop reflux usually works, and I’ve had two patients who got it...and did well.
Prayers for God’s blessings on all.
Prayers lifted
My continual prayers will be offered for this family.