Good stuff. When you empty your heart of hatred and learn the Law of Love you will embrace this book.
I rebuke that outrageous falsehood in the Precious Name of Jesus.
Embrace lies?
There’s more wrong in that book than right. That’s about the most unscriptural nonsense that I’ve ever read.
The reverend’s theology is all wrong.
You can start with the fact that sin did not enter the world through the woman, Eve, and it’s not a woman’s wrong that is to be set right by a woman.
Then there’s the fact that the Holy Spirit is the one who draws men men to God and points to Jesus. That’s one of His functions.
Or is He not needed since Mary is there to do it all?
Speaking of not needed.... The way this guy talks, Why is Jesus even in the equation? Mary is queen of all, according to this blasphemer. Jesus is just an afterthought. Just a technicality to give the appearance of legitimacy so that Catholicism can claim to be a Christian religion.
If this is what your putting your faith in, instead of the blood of Jesus Himself alone, then you are in way bigger spiritual trouble than you realize.
Anyone who embraces those writings is sorely lacking in Biblical truth...and that beyond measure.
HaHaHa...A Spirit filled Christian won't embrace that book, ever...