I do not consider him as an infallible source.. But I will say that I have seen the saved die..and we do die well . Maybe sadness at the loss of life here.. but assurance and joy for what follows...
Nowhere does scripture teach that depression or doubt or fear of the loss of salvation cleanses the soul..
Life trials help us to grow in Christ if we turn to Him as our source... but the cleansing from sin was on the cross of Christ not St John of the cross
There is no point in my responding to you beyond this.
I never said that St. John of the Cross was an
“infallible” source. However, he is every bit as much a teacher as any other Scriptural teacher. His prologue to his book “Ascent to Mt. Carmel” clearly states this:
“In discussing this dark night, therefore, I shall not rely on experience or science, for these can fail and deceive us. Although I shall not neglect whatever possible use I can make of them, my help in all that, with God’s favor, I shall say, will be Sacred Scripture, at least in the most important matters, or those which are difficult to understand. Taking Scripture as our guide we do not err, since the Holy Ghost speaks to us through it.”
His works “Ascent to Mt. Carmel” and “Dark Night” are not about “depression, doubt or fear”, so I would be inclined to think that you haven’t read them. Nor does he teach that these conditions “cleanse the soul”.
I never said that St. John of the Cross “cleansed anyone from sin.”
I’m beginning to consider that jumping to conclusions is a serious form of exercise.