What could you possibly know about the teachings of the Catholic Church and where did you learn it? Did you get it from a hand out in church parking lot, or from a sermon by the Rev. Billy-Bob Rolex, from a TV preacher, or from an anti-Catholic website?
WRONG!! MY Bible brings Scripture to me and I AM THE CHURCH - I am a member of The Body of Christ and JESUS IS THE HEAD OF HIS BODY/HIS CHURCH as spoken in HIS WORD.
So who brought you the Bible and how did they bring it to you? Is there anything in your Bible to specify which books it must include? Is there anything in your Bible that says it alone is the entire revealed Word of God?
Again, you state a lie - I corrected you before - I am always growing and learning and the HS hasn't told me everything because I WILL NEVER STOP GROWING until I go my eternal HOME. Do I know that I am saved? You betcha! By GRACE through FAITH and NOT BY WORKS. Has your church taught you that yet? If not, your church isn't Holy Spirit led.
Salvation is a private matter between you and God. Only He knows if you have and will have passed the test.
I'm not condemning anyone - I'm telling you the HOLY SPIRIT IS THE TEACHER. Surely, your church told you that - it's Scriptural.
Does your church tell you that you cannot seek the council of others in your personal "growth" and does it also tell you who those others may or may not be?
God's Word is a SEED - that needs to be planted by YOU! Why is that so difficult to understand? I gave you God's Word on how HIS KINGDOM operates. You want 'man' to sow into your heart their doctrine - that's your decision but it's not Scriptural. But don't tell others who are members of HIS BODY - who are HIS CHURCH - who OBEY HIS Word - OBEY HIS WAY of doing things as they pertain to HIS KINGDOM that they are wrong.
What do you think the word "obey" means? Catholics obey the word of God, but for Catholics obey (from the Latin ob-audire, to "hear or listen to") in faith is to submit freely to the word that has been heard, because its truth is guaranteed by God, who is Truth itself.
This is exactly what we are talking about when we say that one of the greatest crimes of the Reformation is that every portion of belief becomes a personal choice. Reformed man took it upon himself to create God in his own image. Even Martin Luther recognized his error before he died and is referred to as saying that now any milkmaid who could read could start a new religion.
You are very correct. God doesn’t need man to complete His Plan, although He already has on man, our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus who has fulfilled His will.
He doesn’t need a particular denomination to announce His Volition. The RCC is impotent apart from faith alone in Christ alone and the more any RCC adherent seeks a counterfeit from His Word or faith alone in Christ alone, the further they abominate His Body.
Very true. Only blasphemous cults attempt to demand God needs them for His Word to have power, veracity, or justification. Ever notice how those who seek a human organization to provide justification for God’s Word, also fail to recognize His Sovereignty, while counterfeiting their own substitute?